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Backup Exec 2012 media label configuration?

Level 3

In versions of Backup Exec prior to 2012, I could change the default settings for media labels by navigating TOOLS, OPTIONS, looking in the SETTINGS section, MEDIA MANAGMENT, and then adjusting the Prefix, Next Value, and Digits settings in the MEDIA LABEL CONFIGURATION area.

Can anyone give me a hint on where Symantec hid this process in Backup Exec 2012?

(On a side note, I wish Symantec had a pre/post 2012 cross-walk document that showed where all of the things in pre-2012 have been hidden in post-2012 or discontinued.)


Employee Accredited

Because of its 'new resource centric' model I dont think those options are available in Backup Exec 2012.

The prefix media label relates to "Media's" and Backup Exec 2012 works on the resource centric model unlike the previous versions (which were media centric).

You might want to submit an Idea and see hows the response by going here -->

Level 3

So, I have no way to associating the media's label with the backup server to which it belongs unless I manually rename the media label for each tape?

What happens when I have a media storage cabinet full of "LTO00001" tapes without any knowledge of which backup server they blong to?

In the past 20 years of Backup Exec use, I've been able to change the default media label properties to something that included a backup server identifer in the media label.

Employee Accredited

I totally understand what you're trying to explain Timothy, but Backup Exec 2012 works on a different "resource centric" model in which you will not see the media labels.

you will see Backup Sets instead. Which will be displayed under Storage tab something like :

Server   |   Resource   |   Backup Time   |   Backup Method   |   Storage   |   Size ... etc.


Because you can have 1 server per backup job in Backup Exec 2012, it is assumed to be much easier to manage your backup sets this way.

However, we've had a lot of customers requesting some feature roll-backs and they are supposed to be happening in the upcoming Backup Exec 2012 R2

You can check this link for more details on Backup Exec 2012 R2:

and also sign up for the Beta Program if you like.

(because Backup Exec 2012 R2 will take us back to multiple-servers-per-backup-job model, we can expect the media label functionality to return... not 100% sure though!)

Employee Accredited

This short video will help you understand the differences between 2010 and 2012:

It also talks about the media sets... 

Level 3


Thanks for pointing out Symantec's idea submission method. I've added this request to that forum.


   VIP    Certified

Employee Accredited

Nope, if i understand correctly, he's looking for this option: - How to customize the default media labeling options in Backup Exec.


   VIP    Certified

If Bhavik is correct, then these changes cannot be done using the GUI.


To change these media types settings in BE 2012, you need to use the BEMCLI cmdlet, Set-BEMediaType.  For a fuller explanation of this cmdlet, see the BEMCLI documentation

Before using BEMCLI, you might want to read my article

Employee Accredited Certified

I asked about setting media label the prefixes internally recently for another customer.

Firstly if barcodes are in use in any version of BE then the media label will always be the barcode (on tapes) no matter what you set for a prefix. The prefixes (on tapes)  were only used in older versions of BE when barcodes were not in use.

Secondly as advised by my engineering team the option to customize the prefix is no longer a feature of the product (either in the GUI or BEMCLI)

As such the advice to fill in an Ideas request that was given earlier is valid

When filling in Idea request please supply a scenario that helps understand why the idea is important to your business and how you manage/use the  product concerned.

Finally (not sure if this helps the OP however it might) you can set media descriptions on tapes, however to maintain the descriptions through overwrite operations you have to edit a registry key.




Not applicable

I have found a little work around that works for me if you feel comfortable working in SQL or whatever DB you use. 

I have SQL server management studio express, first stop the BE services.

If you open the BEDB > Tables >  dbo.MediaLabel table you can edit like you could in the previous versions under tools.


You can look at dbo.Media table to see what tapes you are using in the MediaLabelKey for instance LTO was MediaLabelKey #8 so i can change the prefix to NA and MediaLabelNextNumber to 2017.


After that restart services and it should work.


Not applicable
Partner Accredited

Worked for me and got me out of a little hole.
