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Backup Exec 2012 not compressing LT05 Tapes

Level 3


I have recently installed Backup Exec 2012 on two of my media servers and I have come across an issue when trying to compress data onto LT05 tapes. 


My backups are structured to complete a full backup every evening of the local media server and then 4 remote machines are selected to include into this backup also. I want to back up all these servers onto one tape and I realise in BE2012 you have to create seperate jobs to run over one tape and you cant put them all into one job like you where able to in 2010.


So my first job of the evening is set to overwrite and then each job following is set to append. 


I can see the compression rate is set to 1.0:1 which I dont think is right. The compression on each of the jobs is set to hardware and then software if no hardware is available. 

These jobs have now been imported from BE2010 and have been set up from scratch when the software was installed.


Any help would be great.


Thank you


Level 3

After seeing what at Symantec is viewed as "ready for release"-versions I'm no way interested in any beta. Just to afraid it will eat my system.


For other poor suckers who found this threat, looking for a solution to their issue ==>  Solution:

Thanks for the link Sys - np



Partner    VIP    Accredited

...OK then...

Level 3

The latest Hot Fix Dated July 3 I believe, fixed this issue for my Dell PE124T.  Just in time because I was going to go back to BE2010