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Backup Exec 2012 restore wizard selection list blank

Level 2

This is only occuring on the server which has backup exec small business edition installed.  The two other servers we back up show a selection list on the restore wizard.  When the backup exec server is selected and restore is clicked, the restore wizard window is completely blank and my only option is cancel.

Ive searched everywhere for an answer and came up with nothing.  Solutions?


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Check if the date filters are appropriate or not....

also, do check what sort of media protection is being used ? append or overwrite etc...

lastly, what kind of data are you trying to restore..and from disk or tape ?

Level 2

I don't have any data filters enabled.  This is basically an out of the box install.  I created a server group, set up a backup, then modified each server to only backup the important data.  Backups have been sucessful for the last week.

The media protection was set to allow append, overwrite if needed.  1 hour on data protection.

The data is from a tape.  I tested a restore opp from one of the remote servers and it functions properly.  I just can't figure out why the server which has the actual backup exec program installed will not give me any sort of selection list on the restore wizard just a blank white window.

Level 2

By the way, the remote servers which show selections are server 2008 r2 x64, and the actual backup exec server is 2003 r2 x86 which shows a blank window.

Level 4

Hi joshq, I'm an engineer on the Backup Exec team.

Do you see entries under the Job History tab (double-click on the server to reveal the details view) under the server you're not able to restore?  How about the Backup Sets tab -- anything there?

If so, can you check the Catalogs directory under your Backup Exec installation folder and see if there's a catalog folder for the server, and catalog files that match (or nearly match) the job history dates and times?


Level 2

There are entries in the job history tab, I also opened those and verified it shows data being backed up and verified.  Somewhere in the 200k+ file range.  Also, in the catalog folder, there is only one folder and it is named the same as the backup exec server and there are entries that match the backup times, which is the one in question that shows a blank restore wizard screen.

Level 4

It sounds like a catalog index is out of sync; here's a method for rebuilding the index:

1.  While BE services are still running, move the contents of the Catalog folder to another location.

2. Restart Backup Exec services.  This will cause the catalog index to be cleared since no catalog files will be found when the services start up.

3. Move (or better -- copy) the catalog files back to their original location.  (note: when you restarted services, a folder with your backup exec server's name was created -- you can copy over it without issue).

4. Restart Backup Exec services again.  This will cause the catalog index to be rebuilt with your catalog files.

Not sure what would cause the issue you're seeing; hope this method clears it up.  Worst case, performing steps 1 and 2 and then recataloging your tapes would be the more involved (and time-consuming) way to remedy this.

Hope this helps!

Level 3

I have the same problem with my Vsphere enviroment. Also Backup Exec 2012(upgrade from 2010 SP3). When I try to search a backup there are no options to choose from. When I do a single server backup then I can search the files of the backup.

The backupdevice is a qnap NAS which is connected via iSCSI to the backupserver.

Level 2

Did moving the catalogs and copying them back after restrating the services ever resolve the problem.






Level 2

I followed the instructions and still the same result. I have now removed everything and I am running a catlog on all the media in the robotic library. Some of the media has been cataloged and I'm still experiencing the same issue, blank screen when the Clustername is selected. Screen shots attached.

Its as though it does not know that its a virtual machine that it needs to restore that is highly available.


Your help would be appreciated.




