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Backup Exec Domino Agent crashed

Level 3

When our backup runs on one of our servers the job failures and the Domino Agent crashes. The setup is like this 

Windows 2003 R2
Domino 8.0
Remote Agent 12.0 Rev. 1364.0

This error message keeps appearing in the Domino log :
belnapi.exe (2340/0x924) has terminated abnormally

The Event Log  post this message :
Event Type:    Error
Event Source:    Backup Exec
Event Category:    None
Event ID:    65215
Date:        11-03-2008
Time:        10:41:25
User:        N/A
Computer:    EXI-DOM04-SRV
The connection to the Lotus Domino server has been lost. The following error was reported: Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::AttachToDLE - Access Violation Exception Caught. The job that was running on this server has been stopped.

 For more information, click the following link:

The Backup Exec log post this error :
V-79-57344-65072 - The database server is not responding. Backup set canceled.
V-79-57344-65072 - The connection to target system has been lost. Backup set canceled.

I have search everywhere, but I cant find any solution.

I hope somebody can help me.


Level 3
I'm having the same issue ( and working with Support to see if we can get it resolved.  I recall 11d having similar issues when it was first released, and that it was a while before there was an actual fix for the problem. I'm hoping this gets resolved quickly this time.  I will post updates to the issue in the other thread as I get them.  I should be on the phone with support soon, just waiting for them to call me this morning.

Level 2
Hi guys, I also have the error event and I can't even make any backup on the Lotus Domino Databases. Please suggest if you know. plssss.....

Level 3
See the link I posted in my earlier post in this thread, I posted the solution that fixed the problem for me in that thread.

Level 2
Hi, I managed to make it work after troubleshooting with Symantec Support.
1. Make sure Registry setting for Enable Change Journal is set to 0 as described in one of the posted thread (
2. Bring down all the Backup Exec services.
3. Search the local disks for file "notesdb*.ucj" and delete them.
4. Start all Backup Exec services. 
Hope these steps could help you.

Level 4
I love the way that things have not changed since version 10.1  I used the same fix as described by Kidd on my version 10 backup exec install...  Symantec are you listening...  how about fixing some old problems not just keep using the same 'work arounds'
The problem i found with the fix was that after time (no set time and for no obvious reason) the agent would start skipping databases.  If you went to view the databases in the job selection list they were missing and the only fix was to delete the notesdb*.ucj and restart the services again.  I hope this part of the problem does not occur again.....  keep an eye on your backup sizes...

Level 2
Howdy all.

I've run into the same error message with a customer as previously posted by Henrik Månsson

The connection to the Lotus Domino server has been lost. The following error was reported: Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::AttachToDLE - Access Violation Exception Caught. The job that was running on this server has been stopped.

The server is runing Domino 8, Windows 2003 SBS Sp2, with BE 12 (v12.0.1364)

I have made changes to the registry keys mentioned:

HKLM\Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\DOMINO
Changed Enable Change Journal to 0
Changed Enable Notes Databse Filtering to 0

While Im attempting to get this issue resolved. I've created a seperate job to just backup the Notes databses. I've also removed the .ucj file as described in Kidd's previous post. The job continues to fail with:

Job: "Lotus Notes") Lotus Notes -- The job failed with the following error: A communications failure has occurred.
(and the posted event log error)

However, I dont find myself any further towards resolving the rpoblem. I'm turning on some debug logging to see if I can get any other info that might help in understanding the issue. I will be logging a support case with Symantec on Monday unless I have some fantastic insight and get the backup running.

Thanks to you all for sharing your knowledge and experiences in trying to get this frsutrating series of problems resolved. I see that Notes + BE12 seems to be a sticky issue....  Smiley Sad

Message Edited by Andrew_NZ on 04-18-2008 05:17 PM

Level 2

Howdy all,

A small update. We've had five successful notes agent backups since splitting the jobs and making registry changes. However, we've also had six failed jobs with error codes:

E000FE30 x 4
E0008821 x 1
E00084B8 x 1

Codes referring to support ID's...  

E00FE30 - V-79-57344-65072 (The database server is not responding. Backup set canceled. & The connection to target system has been lost. Backup set canceled)

E008821 - V-79-57344-34849 (Job hung at pre-processing - would not cancel, BE services stopped)

E00084B8 - V-79-57344-33976  (This error message is seen when an unknown error is returned from Lotus Domino. Please contact Symantec Technical Support for additional assistance with ths Issue.)

So - not a GREAT outcome...but perhaps a couple of steps forward....

Anyone else with feedback\comments? I'm very tempted to roll this site back to 11d or even 10d if I can get some consistency with their notes backups....


Level 2
I agree VC.  You know the last time my backups were running smoothly for Domino was when I was on Veritas 9.1.  Since Upgrading for both our Mail and Database Servers all I have is problems.  Mail Server it skips Mail Files.  I have upgraded my Database Server this past weekend (Big Mistake????) and since the first backup it has failed.  I have changed the 2 registry entries (currently running the backup) and we will see if that works or CONTINUES on working! 

Level 2

Hi All


Here is one more...


I upgraded from a version 9 to 12 over 11D.


Before our Notes backup had NO problems. Now I get the following...


1. day :

Error category    : Job Errors
Error                 : e00094a0 - The Lotus Domino server timed out during an operation. Restart the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems service.
                    For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-38048

2. day :

Error category    : Resource Errors
Error                 : e000848c - Unable to attach to a resource.  Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again.
                    For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33932


The was a articel about a error that looked the same so on the Notes server I in the registy changed under the key

HKLM\Software\Symantec\Backup Exec for Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\DOMINO\
Enable Change Journal = 0 and Enable Notes Database Filtering = 0

and I deleted c:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS\logs and deleted NOTESDB*.UCJ


We are running Notes 7.


Looking forward to hearing from some or all.....


But I still get the same erreo and NOW I need help....

Level 2

I did an install of the remote agent on the Notes server itself from the media.

My test backups are running with NO problem, but I'll post the result of the "normal" backup here....


Message Edited by jecdk on 07-10-2008 04:28 AM
Message Edited by jecdk on 07-10-2008 04:28 AM

Not applicable

i am facing same problem right now, even i modify the registry but the problem also cannot solve, that error code is E000FE30 and E0008821.


and i got 1 additional error, is during the backup and fail, i cannot login to Domino Administrator, i have to restart the Domino server only can login to Domino Administrator, any 1 face same problem with me?

Level 5
Hi Kidd, please excuse my ignorance. 1) I should do the change on all Lotus Notes server or on my BEWS server? 2) are you still having issues after changing the value in the registry? thanks!

Level 2

I'm still having the same issues,  have made the recomended registry changes.  Issue seems to be solve for about a week, then it comes back.  Any suggestions?  Thanks,


Event Type: Error
Event Source: Backup Exec
Event Category: None
Event ID: 65215
Date:  2/2/2009
Time:  7:21:36 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: VCASNM01
The connection to the Lotus Domino server has been lost. The following error was reported: Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::AttachToDLE - Access Violation Exception Caught. The job that was running on this server has been stopped.


Using latest agent version 12.5........


Level 5
Sorry Ken I couldn't help with you this issue nor have any updates. Seeing that BE 12 has still a lot of problems, we decided to put the upgrade on hold until summer time. Good luck. Please post any updates you have.

Level 2

Joji,  Thanks for the response.   As a work around, I have setup a script to run on my Notes servers before my backups.  It just deletes the NOTESDBE.UCJ and restarts the remote agent.  This has worked for the last few days.

Level 3

Hi Guys

I have just read your posts on the Agent fail, as i was looking for info on how long should the Notes agent take to backup.

Anyway what i have done is used the pre and post commands to close the notes service then backup using the standard remote agent then started the notes service backup again this method did not take as long to backup compared to the domino agent

12hrs for Domino agent

4 hrs for remote agent same amout of data.



Level 3
I managed to make changes on registry as per requested in
but I am not able to find  "notesdb*.ucj"on Symantec Backup Exec media server & Domino server.
Therefore, I didn't managed to backup Lotus Domino database as backup drive of Domino server will automkatically exclude Lotus Domino databases.


please assists .

Hoay Fern

Level 3
Hi. I have the same problem. The backup-exec 10d was working fine but suddenly it appeared the message 0xe000848c - Unable to attach to a resource. I tried with the suggestion of jecdk changing the keys of the register but as Hoay Fern, I couldn't find the file in the log folder. Please, appreciated some help. Regards. Pato