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Backup Exec Errors

Level 3
I am hoping you guys can help with this.

I am running BE11D on Windows Server 2000.
I am backing up to tape via HP Surestore DAT72 USB drive.
This server had BE8.6 on it until last week.
Removed 8.6 and installed 11D as suggested.
Everything seemed to install OK and I did several small test backups (1-2GB)
Everything was fine. I ran a scaled down production job for several days with no problem.

I added the Microsoft Information Stores for Exchange to the backup and I haven't had a successful one since.

I had to chaneg some permissions to see the folder but I still receive and error when it starts copying the data.
: ServerNetwork control connection is established between X.X.X.X:1504 <--> X.X.X.X:10000
Network data connection is established between X.X.X.X:1512 <--> X.X.X.X:43474
\\Server\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group
Family Name: "Media created 1/17/2007 4:12:16 AM"
Backup of "\\Server\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group "
Backup set #6 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Critical Nightly"
Backup Method: Full - Database & Logs (flush committed logs)
Microsoft Exchange Server Agent: Started
The option to enable the restore of individual items from the database backup was selected for this backup.
Backup started on 1/17/2007 at 5:09:33 AM.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to database Mailbox Store (Server).
WARNING: "\\Server\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group\Mailbox Store (Server)" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.

I have received the following errors. Job Error e00081d9 Backup Job engine service is not responding.
I found Support document 278472 but it dones't help my situation. since at this time I only have one instance of BE at this time.

This morning I had another Error Event ID: 58053
Backup Exec Alert Device Error
The drive hardware is offline. Please comfirm that the drive hardware is powered on and properly cabled.
But there seemed to be no real problem. I checked the device and it was responding and I issued an eject command from BE and it completed successfully.
The only indication was Job Status displayed Server Paused.

Any Ideas, Suggestions?

If it helps this Server is also my WSUS server and Trendmicro Officescan Management server. But these were inplace with 8.6 with no issues.

Level 6
Sounds like you have a few problems.

Manually download and install the patches.

Uninstall the remote agent from your exchange server

reboot exchange

repush agent

make sure that the backup exec service account has a mailbox

make sure that the remote agent service on the exchange server is using the backup exec account

have a look at the best practices guide for exchange, you can find it under knowledge base search

Level 6
Increase the logging information also tools/options. put it up a notch, the information is more valuable.

Level 3
Would it simplify or eliminate any of these problems if I ran the Exchange Backup locally instead of remotely?

Level 6
Not really, the account access and agent issues do not change

Level 3
OK I think I have solved most of my problems but there is one nagging question.

On the selection screen of a Backup job, when I look at my domain, some servers (specifically the Exchange server, and 2 Domain controllers display a small yellow Attention symbol on the Icon.

What does this mean? Is there an issue with those servers or the communication to them? I am going to install the agent on the remainder of my Domain Controllers and see if they display as well.


Level 6
11d has an expandable selection dialog called "Favorite Resources" If you are expanding this and seeing the caution icon it indicates that there has been no communication with the machine for a period of time. This does not indicate that there is a problem commiuncation with the machine.

If you go under the "Domains" dialog and expand out to your exchange server are you seeing the same yellow caution icon?

-- Joshua

Backup Exec for Windows Servers Free E-mail Support

Level 3
No, this is actually under the properties of an existing job. Select the job, right click\ properties\selections\domains\microsoft windows network\scroll to the server(s).

The symbol didn't display before I applied the patches listed above.

Level 6
Are there any active alerts on the Alerts Tab?

Level 6

That icon means that the Remote Agent on the box has not advertised, or broadcast itself the the Backup Exec server over a set period of time. You can resolve this icon by going to the remote machine and doing the following:

1) Open a command prompt and go to the Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec Directory
2) Run the following command "Vxmon.exe"
3) On the Status Tab, select to "Start the remote Agent Utility every time you log in"
4) under the publish Tab check "enable the remote Agent to publish information to the media servers in the list"
5) add your Backup Exec Server(s) to the list. Set your publishing interval to 120 Minute(s)

Level 3
No there are no alerts at all.