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Backup Exec and Exchange 2003 in same server.

Level 6


I have a customer who is having the following:-

1. Backup Exec 12.5  on Win 2003 Ent R2(32 bit)..

2. On the same server it is having MS Exchange 2003.

3. An Auto Loader is attached with this server( iSCSI Interface).

4. BE database is using MS SQL 2005 express edition.

All the backup from this exchange database is backed up in the Tape.

The exchange's database is located on another drive (D Drive).

The OS cache memory(Virtual Memory) is set to "System Managed...".

Now, the issue....

It was working fine from last 2 years, but it starting giving some error while starting the BE Console.

The error:-
"BE cannot connect the database........"

The exchange now crashed... the mail have stopped working....

The CPU usage were high along with the memory...

There is a service in the task manager named "Store.exec" is taking more memory now...the system were more or less in non-responding state...

The system started crawling....

For temporary solution .........we need to restart the server until the memory usage came down...

All the backup were stopped...or not working...

As of now we have stopped all BE service...

What could be the reason....

Is the exchange database and SQL database is clashing... or it is some thing else..



Partner    VIP    Accredited



Exchange 2005 doesn't exist, so it's either Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2007.

Hosting Exchange and BE on the same server is supported...nothing in the Admin Guide or SCL to say otherwise.

Check for the following:

1. That BE is fully patched. If not, run LiveUpdate a couple of times until this is done.

2. That an AV isn't perhaps scanning the BE services and Exchange services, causing performance problems. If so, put in an exclusion for the BE services and check again.

3. Any outstanding patches for Windows...

4. Exchange and the SQL Express DB won't clash as they'd use separate ports.


Level 6

Ooops!..... it is exchange 2003...

1. That BE is fully patched. If not, run LiveUpdate a couple of times until this is done....

# BE not fully patched......sad Unable to start the liveupdate as I have failed to start the BE console..

2. That an AV isn't perhaps scanning the BE services and Exchange services, causing performance problems. If so, put in an exclusion for the BE services and check again.

# It is Symantec AV 11.x and I have exluded the BE , Exchange and Exchange database folder... from scanning...indecision

3. Any outstanding patches for Windows...

# As I have checked that most of them were the server is a exchange so I can'nt fully update just to patch the OS as it can effect the exchange ...blush

4. Exchange and the SQL Express DB won't clash as they'd use separate ports.

# I need to check as they were using the same port...

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...if they're using the same port, that isn't good. Which port were they sharing?

You can download the updates manually and install them this way.