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Backup Exec not resetting the archive bit (version 11d)

Level 2

Hi There,


At the moment we are using the backup exec 11d programm for our backups. We defined 3 different backup sets:


Daily-all : Differential backup Using archive bit (does not reset archive bit) that runs every day

Weekly-all : Full - Using archive bit (reset archive bit) that runs every Friday

Weekly-copy : Copy files (thats runs every saturday)


Now it seems that the Weekly-all job that have to reset the archive bit, does not do that. My question also: If the backup jobs copies certain files, but completes as Failed or Completed, does it then still reset the archive bit ?


We are using Windows2003 servers in a citrix enviroment.


Thank you for answering.






Level 6

When the backup job processes a file, copying it to the media, the  bit for that file should be flipped


Just to verify, your job does use Archive Bit rather than Modified Time?  if you use Modified time, you need to use the same media set for both INCR/DIFF and the FULL

Level 2



We are using 3 different media sets for our backups and are using the Archive Bit option on the weekly set. So then after the weekly job run, the daily differential should only backup the files that are flagged with the archive flag.


I noticed that somehow the weekly job does not reset the archive bit of the file.

Level 6

I meant "selection list" rather than "media set"


though the TechNotes about this mention Modified Time rather than Archive Bit you might try creating a new selection list and using that for both the FULL and DIFF jobs


'Nother thought:

Does any system job that touches every file run after the FULL job completes?  At one point there were reports of some full system virus scans updating the Modified Date rather than the Accessed Date


have you tried running the FULL on a different day?


have you tried creating a new FULL job?  (I know we're getting in to VooDoo tech support here, but the only other thing I can think of at this point )

Level 2

Last week I created a new full job with the same selection list as the old one (all the 3 jobs are using the same selection list). After the job finished the archive bit didnt reset on our file server.


Any things that I could try to make this work? And do you know if it is a problem that the disc on that fileserver is connected via iscsi ? Also the backup agent is installed on that server.



Level 6

Hate to say it, but at this point, sounds like you need to open an incident with Symantec Smiley Sad


If you shut down all BackupExec services and do an NTBackup, does that reset the bit?

Level 2

Ok I did that. Hope they have a solution for the problem. Thank you for your help.