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Backup Job stays in queued

Not applicable
Hi all,
I have 2 problems:
1 My backupjob was running, but it seems like that it cant get passed "backingup the system state". I just keeps standing there and dont get passed it. (so i thought to reconfigure my backupjob and remove the system state selection of the server and run it again.)
But now i have a second problem!!
I have the problem that when my backup job should start, it keeps staying in the status "Queued" (I even waited on time for 10 hours!!!! and it is still Queued)
Also I can not cancel the job, because if i want to cancel the job, it also keeps in the fase: "Cancel pending".
The only way to stop this, is to reboot the server. And everytime i want to start this job it keeps in this fase. I really need some help, because i dont have a good backup for like 4 days now.

Message Edited by Don on 06-22-200707:13 AM