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Backup Operators not able to restore files when servers are under firewall

Level 3

We have Backup Exec for Windows version 10.0 and now have all of our machines under Windows Server 2003 and under a firewall. Everything is working fine with one exception.

We have two users that are not administrators but, they are Backup Operators. When we were under Windows 2000 with version 10.0 they were able to restore files without any problem. But, now with Windows 2003 and the firewall they are not but, the Administrators are able to.

I have tried to give the Backup Operators group access to "Act as a part of the Operating System", Create a Token Object, Log on as a service, plus with the Backup operator rights but still no luck.

If someone could help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.

Level 6

What is the exact error message that you receive? Will you be able to give admin rights to the account used for restore? What account had you used during the backup job?

Refer to the following technotes that provides additional information with regards to restores of servers behind a firewall:

Level 3
This is the latest error we are getting. But, the exact restore job can be run under a person with an administrator account and it works fine. Also, we have had in the past error that "Access is denied" or it keeps telling us to click on a different logon account.

Restore 00277 -- The job failed with the following error: The resource could not be restored because an error occurred while connecting to the Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent.
Make sure that the Remote Agent is installed on the target computer and is running.

Our secretary is my backup in regards to restoring files for our employees if I am not around. I do not want her to have administrator rights.

The backup job itself is under an administrator account but, the restores have been able to be done by anyone in the Backup Operators group.

Hope this helps.

Level 6

An account should have domain admin and exchange full admin rights.


Level 3
Could someone explain to me why this was not the case with Windows 2000 server? We did not have any problems with Backup Operators not having administrative rights doing restores.

Thank you.