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Backup con advertencias de datos dañados

Level 3

Hola, aunque los trabajos parece se estan completando bien, me encuetro que casi siempre tengo advertencias de este tipo, y queria ver si tiene solucion poder depurar

El detalle que aparrece en el log del backup es el siguiente

Tecnología de instantáneas: Error de inicialización en: 

"\\SRVURRETXU.urretxukoudala.local\D:". Tecnología de instantáneas

utilizada: Servicio de instantánea de volumen de Microsoft (VSS).

V-79-10000-11226 - Error de instantánea VSS. La tecnología de instantáneas del Servicio de instantánea de volumen de Microsoft (VSS) seleccionada devolvió: "Error inesperado del proveedor". Asegúrese de que todos los servicios del proveedor estén habilitados y se puedan iniciar. Consulte el Visor de eventos de Windows para obtener detalles.


En el visor de eventos veo dos errores con id 8193 y 12293

Si me podeis ayudar a solucionar




Level 4


What is the version of Operating system?

Run following command and check writer status on "SRVURRETXU" server.

"Vssadmin list writers" and check if all writers are stable.

If writers are not stable restart server and check if writers are stable after reboot.


Level 3

is 2008 Standard R2

Level 4

Install following hotfixes from microsoft and rerun backup.

KB976099, KB975921



   VIP    Certified

If any of the writers are not o.k., you should re-boot your server to clear the problem.

Level 4
Employee Accredited

Please follow :

Level 2


I have the same problem now it works !!!

Diagnosing the problem

To determine if this problem has been encountered during a Client system state backup, perform the following:


  1. Confirm that the operating system is Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 7
  2. Check for the errors listed in the Symptoms section above.
  3. Run 'DISKPART LIST VOLUME' from a Command Prompt to determine if there is a 100 MB volume that is offline.

Resolving the problem

As mentioned in the Abstract section, this problem occurs because the 100 MB System Reserved Partition is offline. This issue can be resolved by enabling automount and rebooting, which will bring this volume online and keep it online through subsequent reboots. Enabling automount can be done by opening a Command Prompt window and invoking DISKPART:

DISKPART -> automount enable -> exit

Before making this change to enable automount, care should be taken to determine that it was not disabled intentionally. For example, systems acting as VMware vStorage backup servers are required to have automount disabled. If automount needs to stay disabled, a work-around would be to go into DISKPART and set the 100 MB volume online:

DISKPART -> list volume -> select volume 1 -> online volume -> exit

The volume selected should be the 100 MB volume. In the above example it was assumed that 'list volume' showed the 100 MB volume to be volume 1. It is important to note that with automount disabled, this will only keep the volume online until the next system reboot.