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Backup job fails for no reason that I can figure out

Level 5
I have a backup job running from a Win 2k8 Standard server running BE 12.5.  The remote computer being backed up is also running Win2k8 and has a BE 12.5 RA installed.  Both systems are 32 bit and  have the proper software installed, accordingly.

The backup is set to run after work hours, and it always fails with this error:
Final error: 0xe000846b - The resource could not be backed up because an error occurred while connecting to the Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent.
Make sure that the correct version of the Remote Agent is installed and running on the target computer.
Final error category: Resource Errors

The remote computer shows this error in the event log, no matter if it's for the scheduled backkup at night or the backup I run manually during the day that works:
An error occurred while attempting to log in to the following server: "BHSF-BTR-W302".
SQL error number: "0011".
SQL error message: "[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Though this remote computer has a SQL server on it, I am not backing it up.

I simply can't figure out why.  The RA is installed, and I've reinstalled it multiple times.  If I test run or just flat out run the backup during the day, it works flawlessly.  When I google the error code 0xe000846b, all I can find is a help doc about Oracle configuration, which does not apply to me.

Any ideas? :(


Partner    VIP    Accredited
You can edit out manually what you want to back up in an exclusion list. This is found on your selection list, and it's the next tab (next to the standard tab showing all your servers). See if you can put in an exclusion for the SQL DB, and just double-check you might have selected the DB by accident when selecting your folders.

Level 5
Partner Accredited
Hello Phillip,

First of all, I suppose that you have valid license for the SQL agent.
What options do you have for the SQL agent in the Backup job?

Check if the the BackupExec user has enough priviledges to the SQL databases.
Have you tried to backup all other resources except the SQL? 

Level 5
I deselected Program Files > MS SQL Server entirely just to make sure, but I don't understand why it would work during the day but not at night.  The SQL server on this remote server isn't even being used. :(

Level 5
I'm not trying to backup the SQL server.  It's not even selected. I'm trying to backup everything else.

Level 5
Partner Accredited
 Is any other job running at night such as Antivirus Scan? 
If yes, try to change the schedule to run different time.

Also, you have mentioned that you perform test run during the day. Can you run the job normally?

Level 5
There is no AV scan running at the time, and yes, the job runs manually.  It just seems to crap out for its scheduled run.

Level 5
Partner Accredited
 Try something...
Schedule the backup to run let's say in 5 mins from now...And check if fails.
If succeed, something is going on during the night.

Let us know

Level 5
Will try that. 

One more thing I've noticed is that sometimes when I test the credentials, it fails to connect to the server, but it'll work on the next try. 

Level 5
Partner Accredited
 Have you tried to use an admin user to connect to the remote agent? Or a local admin account?
Maybe there are security issues..

Partner    VIP    Accredited
Mmm...if it fails, then the username/password combination is wrong on that job. Reset the password and try again.
The beauty of BE is that you only need 1 account to do everything, if it has the correct user rights assigned to it. Funny that it would also not back up during the night, but do so during the day!

Level 5
The account it uses has all of the necessary permissions required to properly back up the remote server.  200 other jobs for remote machines on the same domain with the same policies using the same credentials run just fine.

Also, the current test job you asked me to schedule is running fine.

Level 6
On the remote machine stop the remote agent service
find the file bedssql2.dll and rename it to .old.
it should be located in C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS
Start the remote agent service and retry the job. 

This will tell us if the job is failing because of the SQL connection or not.

Level 5
It's not failing authentication, it's failing connecting, among other things.

Level 5
Okay, I've done that.  Now the connection between the media server and the RA is failing, and checking credentials gives me "The directory or file was not found..."  Running the job is failing consistantly with the error I posted in my first post.

Level 5
Okay, now, 45 minutes later, I tested the credentials again.  The first time, it gave the same error.  I tried again and then it tested successfully.  I tried manually running the job again (I haven't done anything since renaming the file Ben specified), and it's running fine now.

Apparently, this problem is completely random.  Perhaps it was just coincidence that it failed at night a few nights in a row and worked the following days.

I am still 100% baffled.  Why is the media server randomly failing to connect to the remote agent? :(

Level 6
Normally when I see a server failing to connect randomly like that there is something going on outside of Backup Exec, most times it's a networking issue.  But if it continues to occur I would suggest calling into support and having them take a look at it.

Level 5
As far as I can tell, this is really the only direction I have to head in now.  So then:

-The remote server is a Novell Messenger server.  Any known issues with that?
-The remote server was a test environment for BE, where versions 10d, 11d, and 12.5 were installed and uninstalled in no particular order multiple times.  Could any problems arise from this?

Level 5
Partner Accredited
 It could, but not for sure, cause a problem if you tried to install 12.5 without uninstalling the 10d.
But I am not sure if this is realy the problem. Try to clean up any installation of the Backup Exec (Server and agent) and try to send again the agent.

Level 5
We've decided to just manually back up this server every once in a while when it will work and not worry about the backups that are supposed to run every night.  So, thanks for your help everyone. :)