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Backup of Public folders hangs URENT !!!

Level 3
I wan't to backup public folders but i have some problems with it.

the following configuration is given:

Exchange Server 2003
BackupExec 10
both are on Windows Server 2003 machines.

so when i select all of our public folders, the backup jobs hangs (it stays on running and nothing is going on) on the last public folder. when i select a few public folders less, the backup job also hangs on the last public folder. when i select the first and the last public folder the backup job runs without any problems. when i select the first four public folders the backup is finishing without any problems.

i'm perplexed. please help me.

best regards from germany,
michael rieger

Level 4
why don't you back up the full Information store ? (Place your selection on Microsoft Information Store This will also include all Storage Groups and will save you time during the backup and your problems with the dedicated PF's will be most likely resolved.
Microsofts website and VERITAS recommends this way to backup Exchange due to time savings. MS has additionally some good documents regarding the restore of PF.

Hope this can help to solve your issue.
Greetings from Wiesbaden.

Level 3
hi wolfgang,
thats a possibility, but what should i do, when i only want to restore a single message or a single public folder ?

when i backup the complete information store, it's only possible to restore the complete public folder store.

greetings from nürnberg,

Level 6
What is the build version of Backup exec 5484 or 5520? 5484 had a patch for hanging mailbox backups I believe.

If (after canceling a Full Public Folder Job) you go to the restore tab and view the public folders selection list, does it look like the job is complete i.e.; the contents of the last folder is backed up, no red X's ?

Level 3
hi ray,
Build Version 5520, on the restore tab the canceled jobs are NOT shown.
i can't cancel the job with the cancel function. i had to restart the backupexec services.


Level 6
You know the job is hanging on the last folder because you can open the job log and view the Job activity and see no files being processed but the Current Directory indicates your last Public Folder?

Your symptom is similar to when the the media server is expecting a response from the remote agent but never gets it- but this would be fairly intermittent and not on the same folder (which you proved is not corrupt by backing it up individually-smart)

This is not likely to help but I've typed this far-

Go to Tools -> Options ->job status & recovery and set the stalled time to 10 minutes and the recovered time to 15 minutes (or values that you think are reasonable).

Level 3
hi ray,
stalled time is set to 5 min and recovered time to 15 min.

tonight i try to make two different backup jobs. one for the public folders and one for the files.

i'll give you a feedback tomorrow morning.


Level 3
the second backup job also hangs.
it always hangs on the last object in the last public folder.

i don't know what to do.


Level 6
Is this backup to disk or to tape?

You could attempt to perform a 'test Run' (right-mouse click on job within job setup). If it completes the test run, it would make me think it's device related (not that the device is bad, but perhaps having problem writing an end-of-file marker or media based catalog).

You could enable debug logging (through the BEUtility) of the Remote agent. This might provide more information as to what is happening.

Level 3
hi ray,
it's backup to disk.
i've made a test run and it was successful.

i'll try to enable debug logging and will give you a feedback as soon as i know more.

michaelMessage was edited by:
Michael Rieger