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BackupExec image restores after Netbackup is installed

Level 6
This is a BackupExec question concerning accessing BackupExec images.

I have an agency that has an active/active cluster which uses BackupExec and wants to become a SAN media server in NetBackup. They also want to be able to restore from data written in BE from the last 30 days. Keep in mind that I would of course do a full backup using NetBackup the very first day it is migrated which should be able to honor most restore requests from that day and forward. However, if I need to do a restore from a couple of weeks previous of a BE image which would be better?

1. Install NetBackup keeping BE installed but only activate the BE service when a BE restore is required. (is it possible to have both installed but only use BE for restores of BE images)
2. uninstall BE and rely on NetBackup using the BackupExec import feature of Netbackup
3. another option.

Thank you for reading this BackupExec question concerning accessing BackupExec images and for your input.

Level 6

As you have mentioned " I have an agency that has an active/active cluster which uses BackupExec and wants to become a SAN media server in NetBackup. " whereas "NetBackup can only be installed as an active/passive cluster" ..

It is not recommend installing any other Backup app on the same server as a NetBackup master/media server

Also if you have the DataTapes of Backup Exec , you still can restore using NetBackup as NetBackup can accomplish restores of BE tapes,by importing (catalog) BE tapes in NetBackup.

But if you want both the applications BE and NBU running the same server.... it is not possible ..

Hope this will help you

Thank you

Level 6
> But if you want both the applications BE and NBU running the same server.... it is not possible

I don't want both running. I want the BE to be dormant and only start up the services if a restore is required. Is that possible?

Level 6

I want the BE to be dormant and only start up the services if a restore is required. Is that possible?

I would rather say,why you want both on the same system when NetBackup can accomplish restores of BE tapes,by importing (catalog) BE tapes in NetBackup.

Hope this will help you

Thank you

Level 6
The BE utilizes a different library and tape drive type of LTO-1 that is not accessible by the NetBackup server. The NetBackup server cannot access the library and has no LTO-1 tape drives available to do a restore.

Level 6
What if I used a standalone LTO tape drive and made the server a media server?Message was edited by:
Bob Stump