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Best Practice for backup

Level 2
We have about 16 computers that we have nightly differential and a once a week full backup scheduled. There is one folder with several sub folders on each computer that is being backed up. We have the AOFO enabled on the policy. The issue we are running into is that the backups fail if all computers are in the backup schedule. We tested with just two of the computers and the backup took 8 hours at a rate of 4.00 MB/Min. I guess my question is, Is there a best practices way to do this kind of backup? Any help will be very appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


Level 4
hi, you are backing up user computer or servers?
is the remote agent installed on the target computers?

Level 2
The policy is for user computers. Remote agent is installed on each of the target computers. I did a test with just two of the computers and it ran at 34.00 MB/Min. Could it be a per computer issue?

Level 6

With throughtput that low, I'd verify that all NICs and switch ports are hard-set to the fastest speed all share.  Auto-Negotiate, in some instances, can cause EXTREME slowdown

Level 4
Check the speed of copying file over to the server, check how fast is the speed of copying the file
Are the computer on the same subnet segment as the backup server?
Sometimes network to network routing will cause the delay

Level 2
I turned auto negotiate/auto tuning off on one of the computers and ran the backup. There was no improvement with the speed.  Is there a way to automatically move the folder from the C:\ drive to a network home folder with backup exec on a specific schedule? We have a backup running on a file server that would then backup the needed folders. I would like to avoid having to do that if at all possible, but if there is a way to do that then I am happy.