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Boss changed account information and something is still failing.

Level 3
Okay first off don't tell me to go back to using the old account this can't be done. When initially setup Veritas had been setup by someone to use the root Domain admin account of Admin. I don't know why and I can't believe they did but the damage has been done and I need to fix it.

My boss changed this for security purposes and I now have a new ID I am using which I named - Operations. For right now this ID has full domain admin rights until I can scale it back but thats another story.

Here is the problem I changed all the service account information on all 3 of our servers all running 9.1 to this new Operations ID using the Tools/Backupexec services, changing the service account information, and then stopping and restarting the services.

The other 2 non exchange Backupexecs all work as they should with the above changes made and have no errors

The error I get is -
Error category : Resource Errors
Error : a000848c - Unable to attach to one of the drives.

This occurs for - Backup \\Server\Microsoft Exchange Public Folders and Backup \\Server\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes

The interesting this is it does NOT have any problems backing up the C: E; F: drives, shadow copy, OR Backup \\Server\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group

I am sure this is a permissions thing between Exchange this new user ID and BackupExecs requirements but I don't know what else may need to be "tweaked"

Just as a a few more notes I also went into the resource credentials section of the job and made sure just Operations was listed in there under the server with no other backup selection having alternate logins.

Lastly Per a knowledgebase article I tried adding Operations as a full control Exchange delegate.

Please help. were not getting full backups on an exchange server and this has me scared.

Level 6
Have you also created a new Exchange account for the Operations user, and set that to be the default profile within Outlook, so when Outlook is opened that is the account that is viewed?

Backup Exec uses Outlook to access the mailboxes and backup their data, which if I'm right and your Outlook is still configured to use the administrators account would explain why it can't backup the mailboxes, but can backup the Information Store, since that is done direct with Exchange, rather than through Outlook.

On the good side though, while you can't currently restore an individual mailbox / e-mail, you have still got the disaster recovery situation in hand as long as the Information Store is being backed up.


Level 3
>Have you also created a new Exchange account for the Operations user,

Yes I did that as well

>and set that to be the default profile within Outlook, so when Outlook is opened that is the account that is viewed?

I have not setup any item in outlook itself. I just setup the user and the mailbox through the new user wizard.

Is this default profile in outlook supposed to be on the server itself or on any client? Does this have to be in the Operations User ID profile or logged in as Admin profile on the domain or does it matter which user profile at all (AD wise not Email wise)? Lastly I did hide the email address for it because I don't want people to email the Operations user directly from the GAL would this affect anything?

Level 6
You need to logon to the media server as the new Operations account, then setup Outlook. Open Outlook and send and receive an Email. Also verify that you can see and access the Public Folders

if all that works, then BackupExec should be able to do brick-level and Public Folders backups

Level 6
In addition to Ken's comments, unless the situation has changed in the last version or two, you will need the operations user to be visible and not hidden, otherwise the mailbox backups won't work, though it's an easy one to check for certain.

Level 3
Okay did all this but it just seems wierd. The original Administrator account wasn't setup in outlook at all on this server and it was backing up just fine. I just had my boss login with that password to check and Outlook went right back to the wizard.

Anyhow Operations has an outlook acount, outlook is setup, I see public folders and I left it non hidden from the GAL for tonights backup. If it works 100% tonight I'll try hiding it in the GAL tomorrow.

Heres keeping my fingers crossed.

Level 3
Not sure why this worked but it did. I am going to test the hidden from the golbal address list slection this weekend and see if it backs up right but at leas I know what needs to happen to have it work right. Now I can experiment. I just don't want Operations showing in the GAL and getting any emails I have enough other accounts I have to clean from time to time.