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Level 2

Hi Guys,

basically my BE using b2disk is telling me the drives are full and making them go offline, and refusing to overwrite the expired data on them - details below, please ask if I miss anything!

I am sorry to have to ask this as I know there are so many posts and questions on this but I cannot  find the answer myself or on the forums/guides/knowledgebase articles etc. I see page after page and post after post of similar situations but no basic guide to the settings required, and I have configured this in previous versions of backup exec but cannot get it set up correctly on 2012!

I am trying to configure BE2012 and wish for it to do a FULL backup every night (9/11pm) to 5 USB drives (MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI). I have connected all the drives at once and gave them different drive letters and names and created them as backup2disk destinations. I then created a media pool called DAILY and added in all 5 drives. This works fine, and the job selects whichever device it finds connected and attempts the backup job on that disk. (I find this is a sensible option when relying on customers to change their own drives each day, as if they forget it SHOULD overwrite the previous days data).

I have configured the job options to keep the jobs for 1 hour. 

I have set Media Overwrite Protection in the job settings > Storage Settings to NONE und UNTICKED prompt option. This to me says the data written is not protected and should just be overwritten, no questions asked. 

Media Overwrite options is set to Overwrite recyclable media before overwriting scratch media.


I do not mind if the outcome is to continue to add data to the drive until it gets full, then overwrites as it needs, or whether the device holds only one nights backup, then is completely wiped and overwritten to contain the next correct days backup. As long as it does so automatically without me having to intercept and free up space on the drives. This is causing the customer to go without daily backups and for me to have to kick off backups during the day. PLEASE HELP! I cannot think of where else to look to define media overwrite settings or to tell it to overwrite data on the tape. All i can keep doing is wiping the drive and freeing space for the backup to run next time. But with 500 GB drives and approx 150 GB backup, it is recurring then again after 4 weeks. I need th answer without having to keep testing and failing. Any help and explanations of settings is massively appreciated.


Level 2


think i have found my own answer probably. Can anybody help me in scheduling a catalogue and inventory on ANY connected USB device a few hours before the backup job? 



Employee Accredited Certified

If you log a formal support case there is an Orphan Hotfix (similar ish to a beta that can be issued which means you will not need to run the catalog and inventory)

I am going to arrange for that artice to be slightly amended to include our standard text indicating the same thing.



   VIP    Certified

You can use the Windows scheduler to run the BEMCLI cmdlet
