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CPS monitoring jobs are greyed out. Can not stop, start etc...

Level 2
All jobs are greyed out in the monitoring section. I have  restarted services etc... with no success. All the jobs show running but in the window pane below monitoring the status shows unknown.

Level 2
Welcome to the club.  I have had the same problem and called Symantec support twice about it and they have never returned my calls. 
I'll tell you what I've found out through my own research to try and find out some info:
1.  Setting up a new CPS destination folder on a different drive (but same admin server) doesn't fix it
2.  Setting up a new CPS admin server w/ a new destination folder on that server does fix it.
3.  Looking in the log files for CPS I've noticed a lot off communication errors (orphaned connections etc)
4.  doing a complete uninstall/reinstall fixes it temporarily...the problem comes back though.
The hard drive space on my CPS server is 1.8TB and is only half full.
I'll let you know what I find out if Symantec support will ever call me back!

Level 2
Glad to see some things never change (Symantec Support). Thanks for your assistance.

Level 3
Hello David

I have the "greyed out" problem as well. It appeared when I restarted the services on the CMS/CPS Server. Have you found a fix or heard about a solution?

Thank you for feedback

Level 2
David sent me this and it worked for me