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Can I use DLO agent to backup my server?

Level 2

Hi All,

I am a still in the evaluation stage of BackupExec so please forgive my beginners question.

We want to use BackupExec in our compant to backup desktop computers and the domain server.

We plan to install a DLO agent on all XP desktops and configure a folder on the domain server as the target root of those DLO agents.

My question refers to the backupo DLO target folders and all other the data files that are located on our server (Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard). We want perform daily incremental of those data files to 3 rotating external disks (the rotation will be performed once a week).

From what I read, the incremental backup of BackupExec server backup option is file-based (any change in a file results with copying the complete file) while the DLO incremental backup is block-based (within modified files, the modified parts are detected and only they are copied).

So, is it OK/Wise/Unwise to backup those data files using a DLO agent that will be installed the server in order to save disk space?


Assumming that the servers' system disk rarely changes much, and that we perform back it on a daily basis, in case of a crash all we'll have to do is restore the system disk and them restore all the data files using the DLO restore option.

Am I correct?

Thanks in advance for any help,



Level 5

Standard Remote Agent Backup (RAWS)
- Protects complete Operating System Files (so can be used to DR a workstation)
- Supports Open File Techology (VSS)
- Must backup complete files
- Must have Backup Administrator intervention to do a restore
- Can write to tape or disk
- User does not have to be logged in for backups to complete
- Machine Centric Backup and Restore selections

- Backs up user data and is not designed for the complete file system (so not a DR product)
- Apart from Incremental PST file backups will not backup open files
- Delta file transfer for changed data is available
- Users can do their own restore
- Disk based backup
- Very Limited functionality to protect user data when the system is not logged in
- End User Centric Backup and Restore Selections (i.e if 2 different users use login to the same machine 2 separate backup sets will be created.)

Additionally You perhaps should look at Block Level imaging products such as BESR if you want the ability to do a fast restore of the complete workstation - DLO and BE are File Level backup products

Level 5

Also you can use this link for reference

Level 6


If you decide after posting that you need to add something,  and there have been no intervening posts, you should edit your prior post, not create a new one with only a couple of lines

   VIP    Certified

So, is it OK/Wise/Unwise to backup those data files using a DLO agent that will be installed the server in order to save disk space?

 You cannot backup a server using a DLO agent.  You have to use the backup function of BE.

Assumming that the servers' system disk rarely changes much, and that we perform back it on a daily basis, in case of a crash all we'll have to do is restore the system disk and them restore all the data files using the DLO restore option.

When you restore anything on the server you got to use the BE restore function, not DLO.  DLO as the name implies is only applicable for desktops and laptops.

Level 2


Level 2


   VIP    Certified

@sammy_perfect - Your answer is a copy of Colin Weaver's solution to this discussion

Please do not copy other people's answer and pass it off as your own.  This is plagarism.  The proper way is to refer the user to the discussion which you feel is relevant.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...please do not plagiarise someone else's answer. You might not know how the forums work, so this would be a word of advice. Please do not do so again!

Also, please ensure that your signature conforms to something a little more subtle...there is no need to have your request to mark as a solution in large bold type.