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Can't Delete a Job

Level 3
I have a duplicate job that was created by a policy that I want to delete.  I have removed the job from the policy template, but can not delete it.  The job status shows that it is running even though there is no activity.  I am unable to cancel the job and the Running status is stopping me from deleting the job.  Can someone tell me how to change the status and delete the job?  Backupexec is installed on Server2003 SP2.

Level 6
Have you tried stopping/starting the BackupExec services?

Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 08-14-200711:35 AM

Level 3
I rebooted the server.

Level 6
This is really stretching, but try setting the Job Service to manual (or disabled) , then do BESTOP and BESTART again
the job should hang at pending, and you should be able to delete it from there
Set the Job server to automatic and bounce the services again

Level 3
I did notice that there is an alert that the job database is inconsistant.

Level 3
No luck with the stopping restarting services procedure suggested. 

Level 6

fraid I'm out of suggestions at this point
Unless someone else jumps in, you may have to open an incident with Symantec  Smiley Sad

Level 3
There is a serious problem in BENT up to 10d (I don't know if this problem still exists in 11d) where you can easily corrupt your database:

NEVER EVER change a Selection List, or Policy if the Jobs are in not in the "scheduled" state.
We had this problems at 3 customers locations.

To fix this problem, you have to either
- Reinstall a clean, empty database (see Knowledgebase) and setup everything again
- Send in your MSDE Database (mdf and ldf file) so they can remove the corrupted entries.
 This can only be done by the Engineering Support Team in USA, as far as I can tell.