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Can't authenticate to Novell

Level 3
I have BE installed on a Win2k server and need to be able to backup remote NetWare servers.

I installed the Novell client to get the remote servers to show up in the selections list but read somewhere that in a pure IP environment this should not be necessary.

When I browse the selection tree the server expands to show volumes but when I try and expand a volume I get a dialog saying "Logon account "xxxx" failed to access "servername.NetWare File System"

The listed logon accounts are all Windows accounts.

Two questions:

1 - How do I get it to authenticate using NetWare credentials?

2 - Do I really need the Novell client to backup over IP?

Level 3
I can reply to the first least in the manner in how I did this.

Bring up The Backup Exec console... click Network .... Logon Accounts.

I already had an account in my NDS tree with an ID of AdminBU ( I gave this account privileges to do backups).

Click on 'New'
In the User Name Area type in the fully qualified user name (IE .AdminBU.accounting.Novell) ...NOTE: I did not need to put in OU before accounting or O before Novell.

Then I just put in this accounts' password and confirmed it.... I gave the account a Name of 'NetWare Backup Login'

Now, here are where your personal preferences come in...

I personally did not make this a restricted account because I wanted anyone who might access the backup exec program with there own restricted account the ability to backup any NetWare resources...The big security loophole here is someone redirecting a restore with this account.

Now, if you are doing primarily NetWare backups with this media server you can click "This is my default account' ...This helps when you create a backup or restore job by using these credenti
als whenever you create a job (BKUP-EXEC will assume that it should try this credentials when clicking on NetWare resources such as NDS, GroupWise, Volumes, etc)..... Otherwise when you create a backup or restore job will probably be asked to choose an account from an "account logon selection" pop-up window to identify this account as the one needed to authenticate to the NetWare server(s).

As to the second question... I do not know

I hope this helps

Level 3
Mark, thank you!

I swear I tried this and also did the same by trying to create a user following the failed login, and it didn't work.

However, going through the main menu item Network, Logon Accounts and creating the user that way worked a charm.

Thanks again.

Level 2
I cannot authenticate to our netware server. When creating an account on novell to have administrative rights, what rights are needed? Can someone guide us w/ screenshots what is needed on the account?