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Can you do Incremental backups to DVDs and DELETE the files??

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I am trying to decide which backup sofware to buy.
The most important feature I need is as follows:
  • I need to back up to DVD-sized files onto an external hard drive.
  • I need to burn those files to DVDs, so that I can store them off-site.
  • I need to then delete all -- or almost all -- of those files.
    • This is because the external hard drive I am backing up to will eventually run out of space.
  • I then need to be able to do incremental backups onto that hard drive!
Can your software do this?
Or does your software require I have all the old backup files on my external hard drive in order to do incremental backups?
Or can I delete all but a few of the old original/incremental files, and still do incremental backups?
Thank you for your response!