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Cannot Backup - ERROR: A Remote Agent for Windows Systems license is required

Level 2
Backup- NSA-DC1
License Violation
A Remote Agent for Windows Systems license is required for protecting remote servers with this edition of Backup Exec.
Please contact your vendor for information on protecting remote servers with this edition of Backup Exec.
Access to the device \\NSA-DC1\F: is not authorized with this edition of the product.
The only information about this error I found with a google search was about backing up SQL databases which we are not doing.
Please assist.
Thank you

Level 6
Have you purchased and installed a RAWS (Remote Agent) serial on the media server?
Is the Remote Agnet service started and ready on the remote server?

Level 5
Hi Nathan,
Basics: make sure you have a Remote Agent license installed. This will be a site license and the agent can be installed on as any servers at your site.
Next: check the versions of this file and make sure they are the same
  -- Backup Exec Server = C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\beremote.exe
  -- Remote Server = C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS\beremote.exe
If the agent is not installed or if the version does not match the Backup Exec server, install (reinstall) the agent.
If the NSA-DC1 box is a Netapp or NAS box or SNAP server, you may not be able to install the remote agent on it. If this is the case, then you will need to create a "User Defined Share" and make your selections from there.
How to create a user-defined selection in Backup Exec for Windows Servers

Level 2
Thanks guys,
Installed the remote agent license and the backup works now.