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Cannot Restore One folder (and it's subfolders) to another server without long treelist??

Level 4
Iif I restore from one server to another such as I want to restore just folder1 and it's subfolders to a new server such as the following \\oldserver\myoldfolder\folder1\folder2. if I leave preserve tree checked i get \\newserver\newfolder\myoldfolder\folder1\folder2 If I uncheck preserve tree it restores all the data and doesn't create those trees BUT then it also does NOT recreate subfolders. It takes all the data from the subfolders and puts it into the main folder I told it to restore to.

For example say I restore \\server\myoldfolder\folder1\folder2\ and I want to restore just the folder1 and it's subfolders to \\newserver\newfolder. If I leave Preserve tree checked it restoreds to \\newserver\newfolder\myoldfolders\folder1\folder2\. If I uncheck Preserve Tree then it will restore everything to \\newserver\newfolder\alldata\  It almost works except it has ALL the data in that one folder. So instead of having folder1\folder2\ it has folder1 which contains folder1's data and folder2's data (basically it takes all the data from folder2 and places it in folder1 also... doesn't matter how many subfolders deep it is, does the exact same thing if I had \folder3\folder4, it restores all data from those two into folder 1 also).

I hope there is a way around this as I have to move 800 GBs of data with thousands of folders and they want it restored to a new folder without that long tree path.

Employee Accredited Certified
Let it do the restore with the long folder paths
and then do a local drag and drop copy to bring it up to th level you want - a local drg and drop on the same volume is really quick as it doesn't move the data it just moves the pointers to the data in the disk records.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
I agree with Colin. There is no way to bring BE to restore the files the way you want it too. You can either preserve the tree, or not.
So do the restore and make a move afterwards to the level, where you wnat the data to be.

Save the Earth, it's the only planet with chocolate.

Level 4
Hmm, so there isn't a way to just restore that folder? Seems like extra steps that shoudn't be needed. One issue we run into here is some people have very deep folder which means that they don't have much more room to make new folder or it runs into the character limit in windows. So If they ask me to restore folder A to a new server folder B... and folder A & B area already several folders deep it will error out. So I will have to restore it to a different location then move it over again which seems like too many extra steps. Plus on windows... dranging a huge amount of data like that over leaves it self open to errors. I've tried moving stuff to a different folder (click and drag) in Windows before and had it pop up with an error for whatever reason and lost 1/2 the data that it didn't move already.

Second part, I haven't tested this yet so figured I'd ask... When clicking and dragging (on the same volume) do all the permissions carry over with that folder to? One reason we are restoring it this way is copying the permissions over would take FOREVER for this server. It's very nested and customized.

Thanks for the reply Colin

Level 4

Thanks for the reply Oliver, I am a little upset that this is the only way to do it as it creates more administrative overhead just to restore a file (if it restores to the original location it's no big deal, but often I am asked to restore data from User A's folder who is no longer here and doesn't have a folder anymore to users B folder and it cause the same issue if he has subfolders). We just switched from Netbackup which allowed me to do that stuff.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
I know, that NBU can do so, and it is something, we've been asking for some time for BE, too. But right now, there's no chance, sorry to tell you so.

Save the Earth, it's the only planet with chocolate.

Level 4
Thanks Oliver, I'm at least glad I have confirmation that this is just by design and not something I'm doing wrong.

Thanks again for your help. Don't know if it'll help but I'll submit my feedback on it too. Maybe eventually they'll add it :)