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Cannot delete an OLD scheduled job...

Level 4
Hello everyone,

This forum is very helpful and I appreciate all the help.

My problem is in BE on the "Monitor Jobs" tab under "current jobs", I have a scheduled job name called Catalog 0020 w/ job type listed as Catalog and the start time shows 6/24/04 10:25 AM. The job status also shows as ready. I tried deleting this but no luck. Please help me to get rid or delete this.

Thank you.


Level 6

It seems the catalog job began in june and is still shown as ready. Try the following:

- Stop and start all the backup exec services and check the results.
- Reboot the backup exec server and see if it helps
- try to stop the process from 'task manager'
- if the issue persists, use the 'kill' command as per the following technote:

How to abort an active job in Backup Exec for Windows Servers

Hope this helps. Revert if the issue persists.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 4
Thanks for the input, but the job is not an "active" job, it is a scheduled job that apprantly never ran and seems to be stuck in the que. There is no delete option that I can find. Maybe because the scheduled time has long past expired?

Level 4
Sorry, correction....right clicking on the job in job monitor, gives you the option to delete, but it doesn't get deleted.

Level 6

-- Please try and run a repair database from BEutility.exe from Drive:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\ NT

--Then verify the results.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved toanswered questions pool.

Level 4
Thanks, but tried this already. No luck.

Level 3
Evidently this is not working for some.

Are they any other possiblities to a resolution?

Level 4
I've tried everything mentioned in this forum and tried other suggestions as see in other cases with similar problems, but no luck. I even tried Amruta's directions: How to create a new SQL database in Backup Exec 9.x and 10.0 when the original database is corrupt and cannot be repaired

First of all, the information/snap shots did not appear exactly as shown when I did it. The jobs were still there. Only a few days of backed up jobs were missing (in Job Monitor). I didn't have to do the create the backup to disk thing so it made me wonder if it really created a NEW SQL db. There must be some easier way to delete this job called "Catalog 0020" from Job Monitor that's showing as a scheduled job from June of 2004. Pretty frustrating.

Level 6

You had earlier mentioned that the option to delete the job is available, but you are not able to delete it. Is the option grayed out or so? Or does it give you any error if you try deleting it? Is the problem there only with regard to this particular job or do you have more such jobs too?

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 4

Thanks for your reply.

> Hello,
> You had earlier mentioned that the option to delete
> the job is available, but you are not able to delete
Yes, option to delete is available and not grayed out.

> it. Is the option grayed out or so? Or does it give
> you any error if you try deleting it? Is the problem
No error messages when trying to delete it.

> there only with regard to this particular job or do
> you have more such jobs too?
Yes, only this job is the problem. The job name is "Catalog 0020". Other jobs that I setup to test, I could delete, but this one is stubborn :(

> Note : If we do not receive your reply within two
> business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed
> answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’
> pool.
> Regards.