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Catlog Media taking forever

Not applicable
I am trying to restore data off a tape recorded using backup exec version 10. The machine I am using to restore is Windows XP 32 bit SP2 running Backup exec version 11D. I first selected "inventory" on the drive which ran fine. Then I selected "Catalog" . It started off as "queued" for around 6 minutes. When it finally started "Running" it reported a byte count of 2,831,564,795   and Job rate of 10000 MB/min. This job rate is slowly reducing over time and the byte count is not moving. It has been running for 16 hrs now with the rate per min at 1mb/min. Surely something is wrong?
I tried with a different server entirely, same scsi card, same drive but running windows 2003 server. Same problem. I tried to catalog a different tape but while the byte count was different it still sits the running forever and a day
Please advise  :)

Level 6
The byte counts when catalogging only appear to increment when it gets to the end of a backup set. As a result the counters and transfer rate aren't accurate.
Whether it's still going or not depends upon the size of your backup sets and the read rate of your hardware.
I wouldn't expect it to take that long though...