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Changing Old LTO tapes with New Blank Tapes

Level 2
I am new to Backup Exec 12.5. We recently upgrade our system form version 10 to 12.5. Now I am not sure on the process the old tapes to a new one. Can some teach me the process on what to do. I know this is a basic question but i would like to verify my thoughts.


Level 6
When ever you get a new tape in the backup exec
recommended is to run run aquqick erase on the tape and run inventory on the tape
If you have an Old tape it would by default come into imported media .
if you have upgraded then all the media would remain in the same media set

Level 6

One should ALWAYS inventory before a quick erase or relabel, not the other way around

Level 2
i did run the inventoryon the tapes and relabel it. then reallocate them to the media sets which was already set from the previous version. but there are still glitches on the backup. when the backup runs on the tapes. some tapes changes from INFINITE-ALLOW APPEND to NOT APPENDABLE... and sometimes the tapes labeled DIFFERENTIAL changes to FULL/NORMAL BACKUP. How can this happen? I reallocated the tapes to their proper media sets. Any ideas? If you could give me some link it would be helpful...


Level 6

Did you really "upgrade" or did you just install v12.5 

if you really upgraded, then all of your media, media sets, etc  should have been migrated forward

ounds like you are starting with a blank catalog to me (or else does not recognize the tape volumes), so that BackupExec doesn't think that the old tapes actually belong to the appropriate media sets, which would result in most of what you are seeing

Level 6

Did you really "upgrade" or did you just install v12.5 

if you really upgraded, then all of your media, media sets, etc  should have been migrated forward

ounds like you are starting with a blank catalog to me (or else does not recognize the tape volumes), so that BackupExec doesn't think that the old tapes actually belong to the appropriate media sets, which would result in most of what you are seeing

Level 2
i have upgraded it from v10 to v11 then to  12.5. as  what is written in the manual. i can see the media sets settings at the Media tab. i just can't figure it out how to initialize those settings to the new tapes. i have done inventory and re-label it to their specified labels and yet the errors i mention above keep occuring. can you tell me where did i go wrong? i really  need your help. if you need more info just ask me...

Level 6
From tools\Options|media management

is the option to "use overwriteable media in target media set before scratch media" selected?

Other than that, I can't thinlk of anything else.  You may need to open an incident with symantec