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Continuous Protection Server Indexing Component

Not applicable
Hello Everyone,

I am having difficulties with the indexing component (service) of Continuous Protection Server.
My indexes of snapshots take a long time to complete (days) and sometimes do not complete at all. The status of my indexes are either "not indexed" or "pending".
I have tried the following:
Checked to see if indexing service is started.
Stop/start indexing issue.
Applied relevant hotfixes as per Microsoft and Veritas/Symantec support personnel.
Recreated indexing database.
Defragmented drives.
Re-installed Continuous Protection Server and agents.

The issue may be due to load on the media server a.k.a. protection server.
We have increased the hardware resources (CPU, RAM, and disk space) and there does not appear to be a performance issue.

The file shares that are being replicated and then indexed by the Continuous Protection Server contain approximately 2.5 million files and 1 million files respectively.

If anyone has any guidelines / best practices for the indexing service on continuous protection server and/or anyone has been experiencing similar issues, any assistance would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Level 3

I have experienced the same issue.

I too have carried out the below tasks of re-creating the DB, applied all SP's and HF's, etc etc etc and still I have either 1 indexing or not indexed state.

I have tested the indexing on very small amounts of data and the snapshots work as per the schedule, but on a larger amount of data, it doesnt work period.

I have 2 backup destinations of approx 1.5TB of data at around 2 million ish files also....

(This from tech support was their follow up that the process did work - but not with the large amount of data I had, with no further follow up or clue as where to go next ?)

So unfortunatley, I cannot offer any advice here, but again would greatly appreciate any information / advice there is to offer.

Many thanks

Not applicable
I to have the same problem. I set up our new brand new 3.2 GHz Xeon RAID5 CP server last week. Our business server has about 800 GB (2.5 million files) of data on it. After waiting a couple of days for the data to sync with the CP server, I set up the backup job. The first snapshot I attempted has been "Indexing" for the last 37 hours. With no progress bar, I have no idea when or if the indexing will complete. I have several snapshots pending.

I have run the Windows 2003 Performance Monitor to try to determine where the bottleneck is. There seems to be low processor usage (<10%), and available RAM is OK. There is fairly high disk usage.

I need advice on how to fix this.