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Daylight Savings Time

Level 2
After the time change as a result of daylight savings time my backup jobs start one hour earlier than they were supposed to. I have since changed the time back to the correct start time for these jobs, but would like to know why this occurred and if I need to do anything else to correct the problem.

Not applicable
I see a similar problem. Some of my jobs were scheduled to run in the 12:00am - 12:59am time frame. These jobs were were actually moved back by 23 hours. It appears as though Backup Exec moved the time ahead by 1 hour, but did not change the date so instead of running the job at 12:05 am on 4/5/2006, it ran it at 11:05pm on 4/5/2006. Like you, I have adjusted the time on the jobs and am interested in a solution.

Level 2
Did your scheduled jobs get rescheduled for one week later and one hour earlier?


Level 3
Had the same problem (posted earlier on Wednesday), 5 jobs set to run 1 hour earlier after the time change. Regarding Dave's comment, I'm wondering why BackupExec would have anything to do with changing job times. Wouldn't it just keep the same job setup and always refer to the system time for starting jobs?

Level 3
Being in Indiana, and this being the first time in 30+ years we have observed Daylught Savings, I thought it had something to do with that. I guess this is not the case. I take it there is no response thus far from Veritas?

Level 2
Did your jobs get scheduled for the nexted week and not run for this week? That is what mine did. I just caught it now. Do you have all patches and updates installed for BE? I am trying to figure out if I need to install a patch but can't find any that fit my exact problem.

Level 2
The backup jobs were scheduled for this week and just ran one hour earlier starting on Monday.

Level 3
Sorry - Just one hour earlier, not the next week. Jobs are running fine on all the backup servers I am looking at, but if one of them was time-sensitive, this could have been pretty nasty.

Level 3
It would also appear that on three separate site's servers, this same strange change has also delected Notifications in the jobs you may want to investigate if you are not getting backup job notifications, good or bad.

Level 4
We had this same problem when we went off DST last year and my times and jobs were messed up to the point of hanging or not running at all. To get around the issue of DST, I set my times to be 10:55- 11:59. This spring, my jobs were changed by BE 1 hour back to run at 9:55 -10:59, an hour earlier, but when we go back in the fall, it will get bumped back up to 10:55 - 11:59 again and the jobs will still be able to run. My last backup software, Arcserve had their problems, but handling DST was NOT one of them. Come on BE, get with the program.

Level 6

Refer to the following technote:

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.


Level 4
"Backup Exec will automatically correct itself following this one-time occurrence. To avoid the second instance of jobs running the day after the switch to or from daylight savings time,jobs may be placed on hold or canceled prior to the time change.
For Example:
If backup jobs are set to run at 10:00PM on Sunday and the clock was moved forward due to daylight savings time, jobs will run one hour earlier than expected at 9:00PM and then run "

From your recommended doc above. The only problem with it is that the time moved back 1 hour, as expected, and stayed there. It did not, in 65 applications, return to the normal time as it was before DLT.