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Dell PV120T Autoloader

Level 3
I have installed a Dell PV120T DDS4 Autoloader onto a Dell Poweredge server and am having no success in getting BE 9.1 to recognise the device correctly.

My OS is Windows 2000 Server SP4. The Autoloader is a Multi LUN device and is attached to an Adaptec 39610 SCSI card. The SCSI card has the latest firmware v3.10, the Autoloader is detected during startup and has SCSI id 9 it appears as two devices both named Sony TSL11000 (which is what the Dell PV120T is!) and allocated 0 and 1 as the LUNs.

The Autoloader is seen by Windows device manager as two units, the loader as a Media Changer and the tape drive as a Tape Drive.

The Autoloader is not seen under Removable Storage Media.

I have loaded the Veritas driver for the Tape Drive however BE 9.1 only recognises the device as a standalone tape drive, it has no record of the loader. I have not found a driver for the loader and it therefore has a Sony driver. BE 9.1 has Robotic Library support enabled during setup.

Any help in resolving this issue and getting the Autoloader fully functional with BE 9.1 would be appreciated.

Level 6
Please refer to the following two links to verify the hadware is compatible with backup exec:
If the hardware is compatible please install the latest drivers:
else install the OEM drivers and try again.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answeredand would be moved toanswered questions pool.

Level 3
Thanks for the quick reply.

The PV-120t is not listed in the 271282 HCL but is listed in the 271383 HCL as both the Dell PV-120t and Sony TSL-11000. So the Autoloader is a compatible device I presume?

I have downloaded and applied the BackupExecTapeDeviceDriverInstall_273853.exe driver patch.

Following this the loader is still not seen by BE 9.1. There is however an entry in the W2K Application Log relating to this:

Event ID 58052
ADAMM configuration warning.
The device driver may not be installed for device :
Identifier : SONY TSL-11000 L2u3.
Type : MediumChangerPeripheral.

For more information, click the following link:

And the following:

Event ID 58053
Backup Exec Alert: Device Error
(Server: "WLSVR01") Storage device configuration error.

Problems were encountered during the configuration of your storage devices. Please use the NT Event Viewer to view the Application Log for more information.

For more information, click the following link:

Following the links suugests thst the driver is missing or incorrect and recommends using the Tapeinst.exe supplied with BE to fix the problem - it doesn't.

Looking at the ADAMM log shows that BE is seeing the loader but that it doesn't have a device name and serial number assosciated with it. Below is the ADAMM log and as can be seen the Tape Drive and Loader are seen at SCSI id 2 LUN 0 & 1, but a device name and serial number are not present for the loader

09/15/05 09:37:51 Adamm Log Started! ("WLSVR01", 1000, {564D1BB2-53DD-44CC-AF6C-44D1C131399C})

Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691

OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4

Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "WLSVR01", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=WLSVR01\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"

Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1

09/15/05 09:37:52 Device Registry:

Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)

------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)

------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)

------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0003:0000:0000:0000 "adpu160m", (Port Driver)

0003:0000:0002:0000 "SONY TSL-11000 L2u3", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"

0003:0000:0002:0001 "SONY TSL-11000 L2u3", (Changer Device), ""

------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0004:0000:0000:0000 "adpu160m", (Port Driver)

------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

09/15/05 09:38:52 Device Discovery:

Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0003:0000:0002:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-120T-DDS4AL L2u3"
Secondary Inquiry "SONY TSL-11000 L2u3"
Serial Number "SONY TSL-11000 0010101991"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 1)
Device State 3, Online

Device IDs 1002, {9BB44380-4A12-4FD3-A534-1C2735939BB1}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785409, "4MM 8K (32K,10,0,E)"
Device Features 0x0009FBFF
Device Element 0, 0

0003:0000:0002:0001 Device Name ""
Primary Inquiry "SONY TSL-11000 L2u3"
Serial Number ""
Device Flags SCSI
Device State 1, Offline, ERROR = 0x0000007B (ERROR_INVALID_NAME)

------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

09/15/05 09:38:52 Device Discovery End:

Are the missing device name and serial number significant? if so how can I fix them?

Finally I have searched for a driver for the loader on both Dell and Sony sites to no avail - any suggestions please?


Level 6
Please stop the rsm service and disable it.
refer to the foll technotes fo further troubleshooting:

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answeredand would be moved toanswered questions pool.

Level 3
I have stopped the RSM service and disabled it.

I followed the instructions in 268626 but on restarting the BE services only the Tape Drive was seen in Devices, the loader is still not visible.

I was unable to follow the instructions in 239796 as these appear to relate to BE 7.3 to 8.6. To be certain I have searched the Veritas folder for a file pvl.mdb but none was found. There are a number of other pvl files:


Also our file structure is quite different to that shown in the document, ours is ../Veritas/ and then eight sub folders:


The loader folder appears to contain references to a number of different autoloader types. There are three files in there which refer to Sony:


I'm note sure if this helps throw any light on the situation, but your continued assistance would be a great help.

Please be aware that I will be out of the office now until Thursday 22nd. Please DO NOT mark this case as closed until I have the opportunity to consider your reply upon my return.


Level 6
-PLease try the OEM drivers and check the result.
-Verify that hte device is not connected to a raid card, please use a scsi card.
-Update the scsi drivers.
-Check if the system event log shows event ids 7,9,11 or 15, with the source as either the controller card or the device.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answeredand would be moved toanswered questions pool.

Level 3
I have tried both the OEM drivers and the Verias drivers - the Veritas tapeinst.exe only loads a driver for the tape drive not the autoloader.

The result is the same - BE sees the tape device but not the autoloader.

The PV120-t is connected to an Adaptec 3910 scsi card, which is not a Raid card. The card has the latest firmware, and the latest Windows drivers are loaded to the operating system.

There are no 7,9,11 or 15 events in the log.

As mentioned earlier in this thread (15/09/05) there is an event id 58052 and an event 58053 which refer directly to the Adamm log.

Following the links has proved unsuccessful in resolving the issue. However I return to my previous question relating to the Adamm log..

It would appear that BE is seeing the Tape Drive and the Autoloader - as borne out by the Adamm log. It does not however have a name entry or a serial number for the Loader, this leads me to suspect that the fault lies inthe lack of a name and serial number for the loader which BE can pick up and use. Would this be a valid assumption?

If that is the case how do I get a name into the system for BE to pick up on and use?

If that is not the case what are the alternatives>

Level 3
Sorry there is a typo in the above reply.

The scsi card is an Adaptec 39160.

Level 3
I have the same exact problem just differant autoloader, seems that veritas is of no help. Did you ever have any luck finding a solution?

Level 3
Hi Tom,

To date I have had no success, Veritas have however been nagging me to purchase BE 10 - Not a chance until this issue is resolved, and probably not even then if this is their idea of support. ( Note to Veritas support - Please prove me wrong and help resolve this issue)

My setup is still not working, but as far as I can tell there is a communication issue, either between the Loader and Windoze or Windoze and BE 9.1, but I'm unable to discover where the fault lies. My suspicion is that it's a Windows 2000 registry problem in that the Tape drive is recognised and setup correctly but the Changer is not, but I can't find any info on correctly diagnosing the Registry settings for the Tape drive and Changer.

I would love to get some help from Veritas but it seems they're only interested in making new sales!!

I'm now treating the Autoloader issue as a hobby and will post any results as they occur.

Not applicable

I have had a similar problem, I tried a lot of different software settings, but none of it fixed my problem.

Maybe you should try another scsi -card /controller, that solved my problem.

1. Connetct your Autoloader with another scsi-card /scsi controller
2. uninstall the autoloader (both units) by windows device manager
3. install the autoloader again