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Differential Backup

Level 2
I have a full back up set for one day a week which works fine, but when I try to use differntial backup on the other days instead of the backup being just file changes it does a full backup. I'm not sure why it is doing this, i have checked my job setting profiles and everything seems to be correct. any ideas? thanks.

Level 4
It could be that Backup Exec has some form of corruption in its database / files. I find that occasionally I get Media servers that suddenly stop behaving properly and they do similar things. Sometimes they just don't start their backup jobs, for no reason.

I find the quickest way to deal with problems like this is to perform a complete uninstall of Backup Exec, reboot the server, re-install Backup Exec and manually re-write the backup jobs.

Obviously you have to make sure you write down all the job configurations beforehand.

I look after 58 media servers and 200 remote servers with approx 6.5TB of data backed up each night across nearly 300 backup jobs. I keep everything documented and through plenty of practise I can have backup Exec uninstalled, re-installed and configured in less than an hour on all servers. This makes is much quicker sometimes than looking for the solution to odd problems such as yours.

Hope this helps.

Level 5
Is that the only job you have a problem with? It could be a permissions problem.

If someone has removed the necessary permissions then Backup Exec will not have permission to modify the archive bit.

Level 2
It seems to do it with incremental also, I'll re-check that to make sure the permissions are right, thanks.

Level 2
Thanks for the info, I'm going to re-check the permissions on it and if that is not the problem maybe I will do a quick re-install. I don't have nearly as much as you have to back up so it shouldn't be that time consuming. thanks for the advice.