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Does "ntservice.exe" in the system32 folder typically require backup?

Level 4
It's the only file being skipped on two of our servers. Just wanted to know if backup of this is critical or not.

Level 6

What is this file that you are referring to? Since when does this problem occur? Do you get any error message in the job log when the files gets skipped? Are you using the Advanced open file option during backup?

Revert with details on above so as to better understand the problem.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 4
> What is this file that you are referring to?

What the...???

Like the title of the thread says, "ntservice.exe" is what I'm refering to.

> Since when does this problem occur?

It's been skipped for as long as the job has been running, but I'm not sure how that matters here.

> Do you get any error message in the job log when the
> files gets skipped?

Well, yes. It says it's "skipped".

> Are you using the Advanced open file option during
> backup?


It's pretty obvious it's a Windows system file. I just need to know if it's one that is critical to be backed up.

Level 4
Answered, but not by Veritas.

Level 5
i usually ignore the veritas guys, they seem to be reading a script, rather then thinking about the problem or providing usful insight.

two points:
1st) since this is a binary, it'll probably be restored by the installation of various software packages, etc. i wouldn't worry about it being skipped.

2nd) this file isn't on any of my servers, and isn't on the server 03 packing list. are you sure this is a valid component? i'd run a virus and spyware check.

Level 4
I agree. I can't recall ever getting a significantly helpful answer from one of them.

We solved this particular issue a while back actually. Turned out the file was associated with some sort of spyware package. I'm sure the "ntservice" name was intended to make it sound like part of the Windows operating system.
