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Duplicate Daily Backups Failing

Level 3

Hi Guys,

We are using Backup Exec 2010 R3 and we run the following backup Schedual;

Friday Night - Full System Backup, and Duplicate Full Weekly
Saturday - Thursday - Dail Differental and then followed by a Daily Differentail Duplicate Backups

The First backup that run backups backup to disk connected to the local server. The duplicates run to tape in a tape drive connected to the server. 

I am currently having an issue with the Daily Differentail backups where I am seeing the following error;

e0009444 - The requested source duplicate backup sets catalog record could not be found.  Perhaps the media containing the source backup sets was previously deleted.

I have checked the Daily Differential backup for this server and found that it is running perfectly, there are rules in place that stop the Duplicate backup or prevent it from running untill the Daily Deferentail has completed. 

Does anyone have any suggestions for what might be casuing this issue?

Kind Regards


   VIP    Certified
Are you using policies to generate your backup and duplicate jobs? If so, delete your jobs and regenerate them

Level 3

Hi, Yes we are using policies to genterate our jobs. I will give this ago tonight with one of our servers that is having this issue. 

Thank you for your quick reply to my question, I will update if this fixes the issue.

Kind Regards

Level 2


      Check the daily differential backup retention period you have set, because before the duplicate job starts the daily backup set would have been overwritten, the best practise is to run duplicate job immediately once the backup job completes. If this dint work then try creating a new policy.

Level 3

Hi Guys,

Again thank you for your feed back. I am new to Backup Exsec so you will have to bare with me on finding some of the information out (there was no hand over documentation from a member of our team that left at the end of December).

I have had a look at the 'Daily Defferential' Media Set and it says that the Overwrite Protection Period is 4 days and the Apptend is infinite - Allow Append. 

I have had a look at the rules associated with the policy and had a look at the indervidual templates that are defined and I have the following rules.

Rule 1) If start time conlicts Daily Differential will start and upon completion start Daily Differential Duplicate
Rule 2) Duplicate all backup sets that were created by Daily Differntial using Daily Differential Duplicate as scheduled

In both templates Daily Differential and Daily Differential Duplicate there is a time window set for both of 23:59:00 till 21:59:00 the following day. Now to me that seams a bit wrong would this mean that the Duplicate backup could start before the Daily Differential Backup is completed or has even started? If so what changes do I need to make to enable the Daily Differential Duplicate Backup sto start after the Daily Differential Backup is completed for each server?

Sorry if I'm asking simple questions, I have only just started dealing with backup and I am picking it up from some else that has left no Documentation about the way it is setup. 

Thank you in advance ofany input that anyone can give me with resolving this issue with our backups.

Kind Regards

   VIP    Certified
You just need to link the duplicate template to the differential template. No scheduling is required

Level 3

Hi, Ok linking the duplicate job to the Daily Backup job makes sense to me. Unfortunately it wasn't me that setup the original jobs 'aparently' the jobs worked fine back in October but I can't see any evidence of that currently.

I am also having a similar issue with my Weekly Full Duplicate Backups in the case of the Weekly Full backups the error message is 'The job failed with the following error: Physical Volume Library Media not found.' I have now changed the Weekly Full Backups to run as soon as the Weekly Full backups have completed. The duplicate jobs are now showing up as Linked to another job in the job monitor. Should this resolve the issue or is there something else that I might need to look into?


Kind Regards

Employee Accredited Certified

For reference the 0xe0009444 error means that a set that should have been duplicated has been overwritte or removed before the duplicate sucessfully ran

Fix for current job (in BE 2010 R3, not in BE 2012) is to right click the failed duplicate job history, select edit selection list, go to the text view of the selection list and remove any entries the indicate a missing catalog (leaving at least one valid entry) If you then save the job and do "retry now" on the job history of the failed duplicate job it should duplicate any valid sets.

The way to stop it happening in future is make sure you always run your duplicate jobs before the originals are overwritten.

In BE 2012 you have to delete the whole duplicate stage save the job without it, then edit the job and recreate the duplicate stage, then run the original job to disk to fix the condition.

BE 2014 has an enhancement where duplicate jobs remove the references to original sets that no longer exist so the error condition should not be seen 

Level 3

Ok the Weekly full backups are kept for 4 weeks before they can be over written, I can't find anything in the Selection list that indicates the there was anything missing. Please attached image. 

Employee Accredited Certified

Those are all valid sets you see a different status when one of the sets is overwritten or missing.

Can you check to see that all of those named B2Dnnnnn exist on your disk storage (as .bkf files)

Level 3


Ok I have checked and the bkf files are in the Backup Directory. What is strange is that I have another Policy that uses the same folder and that has just completed the backups for its servers and now the backup that I have been having issues with I have submitted to run again and currently it is running with out an issue.

Why would the second Policy be affecting my main policy? On Policy is set to run on a Friday between 23:00 and 21:00 on Saturday and the Second Policy is set to run from a Saturday 23:00 to 21:00 on the Sunday. Would the fact that they are both using the same Backup Folder be part of the issue?

The samething happened last weekend where once the Terminal Servers Policy had completed I could Duplicate the rest of the network (my main policy).

Any suggestions?

Kind Regards