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Error: 0xe0000393 (V-79-57344-915) Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup.

Level 3

For the last few days I've been getting the following error message. I've tried restarting the server and manually backing up the Exchange database using the ntbackup utility which did complete successfully. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas/solutions?


V-79-57344-915 - Unable to complete the operation for the selected resource using the specified options.  The following error was returned when opening the Exchange Database file:  '-528 The current log file is missing. '

Final error: 0xe0000393 - Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information. Final error category: Resource Errors


Server Information: Windows 2003 SBS, Backup Exec 2010 R2


Not applicable

Same issue. Upgraded to 2010 R2 and exchange 2003 GRT backups started to fail. Removal of patch 143746 seems to have cleared the issue.

Level 3

Since I've removed the last 4 patches my backups are running OK.

mklbolt, Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling again remote agent in your Exchange Server ?

I guess uninstalling patches in the Bexec Server doesn't remove them from the remote agents so reinstalling the agents could be necesary.

Level 2

I did not.  I have a call with Symantec later today.  Hopefully this will shed light on some of this.

Level 2

SBS 2008 Std. + Backup Exec 2010 R2 here.

Got the same error as the OP, can't backup individual mailboxes. Uninstalled 143746, will see if it helps tonight. I don't want to disable GRT, its a large reason of why I'm backing up the Exchange stores in the first place!

Level 3
Partner Accredited

Windows Server 2003 Standard
Exchange Server 2003
Symantec Backup Exec 2010 R2

1) Uninstalled 143746
2) Restart server

Exchange Backup OK

Symantec, please, correct the bug.

Level 3

I can confirm that uninstalling those 4 mentioned hotfixes also fixed my issue.

As a note for others i had to uninstall and reinstall the remote agents after uninstalling the hotfixes as my backups were hanging on snapshot processing due to the mismatch in remote agent version and media server version.

Level 4
Partner Accredited


thanks for the Solution (uninstall Hotfix 143746). It seems this worked for me, too.

I also did push out the remote agents again after uninstalling, however I did not restart any Machines. Test Backup of Exchange 2003 with GRT now works again and I get the selection of single Objects again (did not work before).

I only had the Issue on Full/Copy Jobs with GRT Enabled on the Exchance DB. Standard Full Backups with Logs did work.

Version is Backup Exec 2010 R2 on 2003 R2 Standard and Exchange 2003 on separate Server (2003 R2).




Level 4
Partner Accredited

Hm, seems I was a bit too euphoric. Same Error persists. Only difference now is, that a separate Complete/Copy Job on Exchange suceeds (and I can select and restore single objects, which didn't owrk yesterday with the Hotfix installed).

I renember, that I also saw the Problem before the hotfix, however it was only happening randomly on daily Backup (Backups File Selection differential and Full/Copy on Databases and Exchanges). So there might be two independent, different Problems.

Is there a way to attach a single Exchange Backup to another Job like the Duplicate-Jobs ?

Level 3

I am also just getting this error after the December patches with Server 2003/Exch 2003. I do not want to uninstall patches then have to re-install a bunch of agents.

I believe they are aware of this... it's just a matter of when they will release the fix =\ 

Level 4
Partner Accredited

I also had no real luck yet. I think the Trick is to switch off AOFO for the Exchange Backup and to put that to a Backup Time, where no other AOFO-Backup runs (or using the Options described in the Article, which are not a real option for many customers).

I really wonder, why this never happened in 11d or 12.5 (I have no 12.0 Installations) but is so troublesome with 2010 / 2010 R2.

I got the Hint from this Thread: , however I is a slight bit different (dll-Errors, only when B2T).

Not applicable


When performing a backup operation of an Exchange 2003 Information Store database using the 2010 R2 version of Backup Exec with hotfix 143746 installed; having both the Granular Restore Technology (GRT) & Advance Open File Option enabled, the job will fail with: V-79-57344-915 '-528 The current log file is missing.'


V-79-57344-915 - Unable to complete the operation for the selected resource using the specified options.  The following error was returned when opening the Exchange Database file:  '-528 The current log file is missing. '


Backup Exec version 2010 R2 with hotfix 143746: GRT backup of Exchange 2003 Information Store with Advanced Open File Option enabled


Symantec Corporation has acknowledged that the above-mentioned issue is present in the current version(s) of the product(s) mentioned at the end of this article. Symantec Corporation is committed to product quality and satisfied customers.

This issue is currently under investigation by Symantec Corporation. Pending the outcome of the investigation, this issue may be resolved by way of a patch or hotfix in current or future revisions of the software. However, this particular issue is not currently scheduled for any release.  If you feel this issue has a direct business impact for you and your continued use of the product, please contact your Symantec Sales representative or the Symantec Sales group to discuss these concerns.



1. Disable the setting "Use Advanced Open File Option" in the Properties of the backup job


2. Disable the GRT option for the effected backup job


Level 3

RRE - I do not see a Hotfix with that number anywhere on the site. I have used searches as well as manually looked through the most recent downloads and it is not there.

I have also used Liveupdate on the server itself and am fully up to date - with the same issues still present.

Where can I find this hotfix? And if it is not yet released, what is the ETA? The KB article you linked does not provide an ETA for the fix - only workarounds.

Level 6

Hello ,



The KB article will provide only the workaround & not the HF because it is not yet made public. As of now the HF is only provided by support personnel.





Level 6



To call support you can use 18006344747 number or you can open a web case to avoid hold issue over the phone using


Thank You

Level 3

I am speaking to support staff right now and they can't seem to find this Hotfix. I have opened a case already via that link and as a result support have called me.

When is it being made public? This is a headache.

Level 3

Support is unwilling to send me this hotfix.

Level 6

Hello ,


Did you provided this technote to them




Level 6

Hi ,



I went through the document & would like to highlight some imp points



Symantec Corporation has acknowledged that the above-mentioned issue is present in the current version(s) of the product(s) mentioned at the end of this article. Symantec Corporation is committed to product quality and satisfied customers

This issue is currently under investigation by Symantec Corporation. Pending the outcome of the investigation, this issue may be resolved by way of a patch or hotfix in current or future revisions of the software


- Seems that this issue is still under investigation


- IF you check the title of the Document , below that you will see an option "subscribe" , you can subscribe to this technote & you will be notified by email as soon as the issue is fixed






1. Disable the setting "Use Advanced Open File Option" in the Properties of the backup job


2. Disable the GRT option for the effected backup job





Level 3

Yes, I provided the tech note to them, as well as the hotfix number. They told me that I will have to subscribe to it, as you've stated, and wait for the hotfix.

In the mean time, my Exchange server is not being properly backed up. That document also does not give any ETA and even states "this particular issue is not scheduled for any release". Suffice to say, I am not overly pleased with this support experience.

Level 6



You can ask for the escalation to speak to senior level about this issue & they can help you with this


Thank You