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Error: 0xe0000393 (V-79-57344-915) Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup.

Level 3

For the last few days I've been getting the following error message. I've tried restarting the server and manually backing up the Exchange database using the ntbackup utility which did complete successfully. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas/solutions?


V-79-57344-915 - Unable to complete the operation for the selected resource using the specified options.  The following error was returned when opening the Exchange Database file:  '-528 The current log file is missing. '

Final error: 0xe0000393 - Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information. Final error category: Resource Errors


Server Information: Windows 2003 SBS, Backup Exec 2010 R2


Level 6

Hi there ,


Very soon , i'll give you an update on this issue.

Level 6

Hello Davy,


You can refer the following document


A hotfix is available to resolve the issue .


As you have opened a support case with symantec to resolve the issue, they will provide this HF to resolve the ongoing issue. This HF is not yet made public so it can be only provided by the support personnel




Level 3

The technician said he'd already escalated it to his superiors and had gotten that answer. Not too happy about it.

Yes, RRE, please update us soon. Thank you.

Not applicable

The last posts indicate this is an ongoing issue.

I recently updated backup exec 2010 to R2 updated agents and rebooted servers.

My exchange server 2003 on server 2003 reports the error described.

Please update us with a fix for this known issue,

Level 3

Hi again,

After weeks working fine, I've installed SP1 and patches 150096 and 144101 and my backups just started to fail again with same error.

It's hard to believe for me that after weeks reporting this error, Symantec offers a Service Pack and two more patches without solving this issue.

Moreover, I can't uninstall these patches nor SP1 so I can't revert my situation just as I did the first time.

Hpe Symantec give us a solution soon.


Level 3

Yes this is rather sad. I worked with Tech Support at length and told them that hotfix 143746 was the cause of the problem. The assured me that 143746 would be unbundled from the SP1 and that uninstalling 143746 and then installing SP1 when it came out would effectively block 143746 from installing again...  Needless to say 143746 was bundled in SP1 and once you install SP1 you are SOL. 

So here are two workaround a lot of people don't know about for the time being; these are hacks and YMMV.

Option (1)

Step (a) Create a second backup job that runs first; have it do a backup of just Exchange and have it do it to a Diskbased backup folder. Have GRT turned on for that backup. Diskbased backups do not appear affected by this bug; at least as of SP1. The backup will dump a copy of the Exchange files to an IMAGE directory. Set those diskbased backup folders to be overwritten each time you do a backup; so you can reclaim the space each backup run.

Step (b) Then have a second pass backup job that backups up everything but exchange, and backups up the disk based backup folder created in step (a).

Now if you have to restore exchange you can restore the disk based folder; configure it as a device; and catalog it. Once cataloged you can do a brick level restore from it.

Option (2)

Continue as your are with the GRT on; and the failed messages. If you need to do a restore. Do a DUPLICATE backup set job and duplicate your tape based back to a DiskBased Media folder. During the duplicate process the priv and pub edb which were backedup by the snapshots will be GRT'd during the copy process and the resulting copy of your backup can then be used for the brick level restores.  We almost always do Exchange brick level restores this way because invariably the user doesn't tell you everything they need the first time and it much faster to do one duplicate job + a couple diskbased sub-restores; than it is to do multiple direct from tape restore. In fact backupexec is doing a transparent diskbased restores anytime you think you are doing a direct tape to exchange restore. So there is no loss in throughput to do it as a two step manual process.


What I still have to test is whether (a) if GRT is OFF, then will (b) the copy job from tape to disk-based folders have the GRT info in it. If that's the case I will turn GRT off so I can see REAL failures in the logs.

Level 3

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your info about possible workarounds.

From Monday to Thursday my backups are disk based and only on Fridays I do a tape backup.
These disk based backups were getting the mentioned error after my upgrade to SP1.

Yesterday, I disabled Avanced Open File and tried at night a new backup. This morning the backup was completed without errors but exceptions concerning several SQL databases (Yes, I'm not using SQL Agent)

Level 6



As per my previous post 


The Temp solution is


 1. Disable the setting "Use Advanced Open File Option" in the Properties of the backup job


Level 4

We are on Backexec 2010 R2 SP1 and expierencing the same problem with GRT backup/restores.

We've done the necessary setup on the Exchange server so that the Backup account has the required "roles".

A GRT backup to disk fails

A GRT backup to tape is ok

A GRT restore from tape fails with "missing log error"

A non-GRT backup to disk/tape is ok

A non-GRT restore from disk/tape is ok

A hotfix (#150096) became available when I did a check via liveupdate.

I installed the hotfix
Uninstalled Remote agent on Exchange 2010 SP1 on Server 2008 R2
Reinstalled Remote agent

When we get a chance to reboot the Exchange 2010 server I'll try another GRT backup/restore.

Rod H


Level 4

We applied the hotfix onto the Backup Exec server

We removed the remote agent from the Exchange 2010 server

We re-installed remoate agent

We rebooted Exchange server

We can not restore individual mailboxes ok

We even were able to redirect a mailbox to a new mailbox.

Thanks for the input

Rod H

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...that looks like a direct copy/paste from a Symantec tech note...why did you not either put the link in, or mention that yuo were plagiarising the information...?

Level 6

We can not restore individual mailboxes ok

Should that be 

"We can now restore individual mailboxes ok" ?


If so, please mark the response that helped you most as the solution and as many "thumbs up" as assisted

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...that should not be a temp solution...AOFO shouldn't be used when backing up Exchange/SQL etc, as it causes issues during backups/restores.

If you logged a call with Symantec and they found that AOFO was being used, they'd suggest turning it off...

Level 6

The Much Awaited Hotfix is released




Backup Exec 2010 R2 Revision 4164 Hotfix 148347



Please update the results after successful backup