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Error 1923: Service Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers (BackupExecAgentAccelerator) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.

Level 2

Backup Exec 12.5. Windows Server 2003 x64, Exchange 2007

I have been up all night, so please forgive any strange grammatical or spelling errors... :p

It all started several months ago when SP4 would fail every time I tried to install it. After hours and hours of troubleshooting, I never got it to work. I decided they only way to get Backup Exec to take a patch again would be to uninstall/reinstall. The repair option didn't work through either Add/Remove programs or though the CD.

I could not uninstall it through Add/Remove programs either. Kept getting errors related to missing install files. (Windows/Installer files have been moved around, and I also wonder if some have been deleted...just trying to get this server to work another year)

So, I was down to uninstalling manually. I found the guidlines at the Symantec site: How to manually uninstall Backup Exec for Windows Servers (BEWS) 11d and above. Article: TECH50720 and followed along until I got to the SQL Server instance. I have Blackberry Exchange Server Express running on this server as well, so I didn't want to delete SQL Server... but I had already gone through and renamed all the registry entries that had anything to do with BackupExec (including SQLServer entries). After rebooting, the SQL server Backup Exec instance did not want to start, but I figured I would go ahead and try to run the install from the CD, thinking it might be able to fix that.

Well, that didn't work, so I restored the registry back to what it was with my backup and tried again, only this time I didn't touch the SQL Server entries. The SQL Server instance fired up after another reboot and I tried running the install from the CD again. The error I have in my subject line is the error that I cannot seem to get past. I have tried Ignore, Retry and Cancel... and all of them end up rolling the install back.

The install wizard gives me V-225-230 and V-225-116 codes, but those are not very helpful. 

I am using the main Administrator account, so I don't understand why the install is having trouble creating those service entries. Any help is appreciated! I should have just left the darn thing unpatched!!!

Here is the log, I tried to capture the high points:


06-23-2011,11:19:22 : Action 11:19:22: RegisterTypeLibraries. Registering type libraries 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : LibID: {A8EA2885-E723-4265-A513-958713B9C9F6} 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : LibID: {FDC4673A-4EFA-4023-B3A3-037EE6AB2483} 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : LibID: {49808972-D21C-4222-ACC4-98236EC943F0} 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : LibID: {92C609DF-238D-416F-B2B6-1B497BF40C03} 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : Action 11:19:22: InstallServices. Installing new services 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : ERROR: Error 1923.Service Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers (BackupExecAgentAccelerator) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services. 
06-23-2011,11:49:50 : USER: Are you sure you want to cancel? 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : Key: \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\PatchedComponents, Name: {F03DBE08-6837-2EAB-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}, Value: C:\WINDOWS\winsxs\Policies\amd64_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.OpenMP_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_dd406c19\ 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : Key: \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\PatchedComponents, Name: {F03DBE59-6813-2EAB-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}, Value: C:\WINDOWS\winsxs\Policies\amd64_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.OpenMP_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_dd406c19\ 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : Key: \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\PatchedComponents, Name: {F03DBEAA-67EF-2EAB-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}, Value: C:\WINDOWS\winsxs\Policies\amd64_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.OpenMP_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_dd406c19\ 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : Key: \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\PatchedComponents, Name: {F3743B7D-F6B1-63FC-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}, Value: C:\WINDOWS\winsxs\Policies\amd64_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.OpenMP_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_dd406c19\ 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : Key: \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\PatchedComponents, Name: {F37354D4-F6FB-63FD-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}, Value: C:\WINDOWS\winsxs\Policies\amd64_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.OpenMP_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_dd406c19\ 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : Key: \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\PatchedComponents, Name: {F3718782-F78F-63FF-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}, Value: C:\WINDOWS\winsxs\Policies\amd64_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.OpenMP_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_dd406c19\ 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : Key: \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\PatchedComponents, Name: {F370A0D9-F7D9-6400-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}, Value: C:\WINDOWS\winsxs\Policies\amd64_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.OpenMP_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_dd406c19\ 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : Key: \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\PatchedComponents, Name: {F3718A5B-F64B-63FF-C01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}, Value: C:\WINDOWS\winsxs\Policies\amd64_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.OpenMP_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_dd406c19\ 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : Action 11:19:22: RegisterTypeLibraries. Registering type libraries 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : LibID: {A8EA2885-E723-4265-A513-958713B9C9F6} 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : LibID: {FDC4673A-4EFA-4023-B3A3-037EE6AB2483} 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : LibID: {49808972-D21C-4222-ACC4-98236EC943F0} 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : LibID: {92C609DF-238D-416F-B2B6-1B497BF40C03} 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : Action 11:19:22: InstallServices. Installing new services 
06-23-2011,11:19:22 : ERROR: Error 1923.Service Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers (BackupExecAgentAccelerator) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services. 
06-23-2011,11:49:50 : USER: Are you sure you want to cancel? 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : Application Context:D:|Program Files|Symantec|Backup Exec|ManagedVmWebSrvc.dll, Assembly Name:ManagedVmWebSrvc,version="12.5.2213.176",culture="neutral",publicKeyToken="EF3D139305748B43",processorArchitecture="MSIL" 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : Application Context:D:|Program Files|Symantec|Backup Exec|ManagedVmWebSrvc.dll, Assembly Name:ManagedVmWebSrvc,version="12.5.2213.0",culture="neutral",publicKeyToken="EF3D139305748B43",processorArchitecture="MSIL" 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : Application Context:D:|Program Files|Symantec|Backup Exec|VimService2005.dll, Assembly Name:VimService2005,version="",culture="neutral",publicKeyToken="769534B3F3389EE4",processorArchitecture="MSIL" 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : Application Context:D:|Program Files|Symantec|Backup Exec|VimService2005.dll, Assembly Name:VimService2005,version="",culture="neutral",publicKeyToken="769534B3F3389EE4",processorArchitecture="MSIL" 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : Application Context:D:|Program Files|Symantec|Backup Exec|VimService2005.XmlSerializers.dll, Assembly Name:VimService2005.XmlSerializers,version="",culture="neutral",publicKeyToken="769534B3F3389EE4",processorArchitecture="MSIL" 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : Application Context:D:|Program Files|Symantec|Backup Exec|VimService2005.XmlSerializers.dll, Assembly Name:VimService2005.XmlSerializers,version="",culture="neutral",publicKeyToken="769534B3F3389EE4",processorArchitecture="MSIL" 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : Action 11:49:57: RB_ConfigInstall. 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : Action 11:49:57: ConfigInstall. Configuring Symantec Backup Exec. Please wait... 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : DISABLECANCEL 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : Executing BEDiag utility 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : "F:\WINNT\INSTALL\BE\Bin\Bediag.exe" ROOTSDC2 /o:"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs\Pre-Install_BEDiag.log" 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : BEDiag utility has been launched in asynchronous execution mode. Review C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs\Pre-Install_BEDiag.log for results. 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : Installing BE services. 
06-23-2011,11:49:57 : V-225-116: Error installing BE services ***To search for information about this error, click here 
06-23-2011,11:50:00 : Action ended 11:50:00: InstallFinalize. Return value 3. 
06-23-2011,11:50:00 : Action 11:50:00: Rollback. Rolling back action: 
06-23-2011,11:50:00 : Configuring Symantec Backup Exec. Please wait... 
06-23-2011,11:50:00 : RB_ConfigInstall 
06-23-2011,11:50:00 : Rolling back install of BE services. 
06-23-2011,11:50:00 : WARNING: Unable to remove service BackupExecJobEngine. The service does not exist. 
06-23-2011,11:50:00 : WARNING: Unable to remove service BackupExecRPCService. The service does not exist. 
06-23-2011,11:50:00 : WARNING: Unable to remove service BackupExecDeviceMediaService. The service does not exist. 
06-23-2011,11:50:00 : WARNING: Unable to remove service BackupExecAgentAccelerator. The service does not exist. 
06-23-2011,11:50:00 : WARNING: Unable to remove service BackupExecAgentBrowser. The service does not exist. 
06-23-2011,11:50:29 : DIFXAPP: INFO: Uninstalling driver package C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\VirtFile_63781588F416AEDD121C28B520F3B4D54AD88B4B\VirtFile.inf... 
06-23-2011,11:50:29 : DIFXAPP: INFO: Unable to revert to a previous driver store for service 'VirtFile'. 
06-23-2011,11:50:29 : DIFXAPP: INFO: Will attempt to uninstall the driver. 
06-23-2011,11:50:29 : DIFXAPP: INFO: service 'VirtFile' was deleted. 
06-23-2011,11:50:29 : DIFXAPP: INFO: Driver package C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\VirtFile_63781588F416AEDD121C28B520F3B4D54AD88B4B\VirtFile.inf removed. 
06-23-2011,11:50:29 : DIFXAPP: SUCCESS:Uninstall completed. 
06-23-2011,11:50:29 : DIFXAPP: INFO: RETURN: DriverPackageUninstallW (0x0) 
06-23-2011,11:50:29 : DIFXAPP: Rollback failed with error 0x2 
06-23-2011,11:50:29 : Copying new files 
06-23-2011,11:50:34 : Moving files 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Creating folders 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Removing system registry values 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Removing ODBC components 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Deleting services 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : RB_StopBEServices 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : CInstManagerOps::StopBEServices 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Rolling back stop of BE services 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Successfully started service - MSSQL$BKUPEXEC 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Successfully started service - BackupExecNamingService 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Successfully started service - BackupExecDeviceMediaService 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Successfully started service - BackupExecRPCService 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Successfully started service - BackupExecJobEngine 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Successfully started service - BackupExecAgentAccelerator 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Successfully started service - BackupExecAgentBrowser 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Successfully started service - DLOAdminSvcu 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Successfully started service - DLOMaintenanceSvc 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Successfully started service - elementmgr 
06-23-2011,11:50:35 : Updating component registration 
06-23-2011,11:50:38 : Action ended 11:50:38: INSTALL. Return value 3. 

Accepted Solutions

Level 2

I decided to start from the beginning. This time, I didn't touch any of the registry entries dealing with SQL Server. I kept the BKUPEXEC instance the same. It helped to make sure I wiped everything that had to do with Backup Exec by using CCleaner. It is finally installed and patched. 

I guess I missed an entry in the registry somewhere which caused the whole thing to just bomb.

Good luck to everyone!



View solution in original post


Partner    VIP    Accredited

Hi there,


Firstly, check the TN below and make sure that the account used for Backup Exec's services has the settings below at a minimum...

Also, check and make sure you have no antivirus blocking the installation. I have seen this happen, and the temporary work-around was to disable the AV during the installation/upgrade...



Level 2

The only account I am using with Backup Exec is the Domain Administrator account to avoid any hassels with rights. I'm using Symantec Enpoint Protection, but I'll turn it off. Thanks for the tips.. I'll let you know!



Level 2

I tried the install with SEP disabled and the same thing is happening. I'm going to try wiping everything again and start from scratch. I'll let you know...



Level 2

I decided to start from the beginning. This time, I didn't touch any of the registry entries dealing with SQL Server. I kept the BKUPEXEC instance the same. It helped to make sure I wiped everything that had to do with Backup Exec by using CCleaner. It is finally installed and patched. 

I guess I missed an entry in the registry somewhere which caused the whole thing to just bomb.

Good luck to everyone!

