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Error while trying to bkp a vm server running 2008 r2

Level 3

Hi All,

I have some vm in vmware what should be copy to the backup, but I receive this following error:


Backup of the virtual machine 'BRSPOMCS001' failed. VMware VCB framework reported the following error
Failed to open the disk: Cannot access a SAN/iSCSI LUN backing this virtual disk. (Hint: If you are using vcbMounter you can use the option "-m ndb" to switch to network based disk access if this is what you want.) If you were attempting file-level access, stop the vmount Service by typing "net stop vmount2" on a command prompt to force vmount to re-scan for SAN LUNs and re-try the command.

Did anybody face it before?




   VIP    Certified

1) Are you using RDM disks?  BE cannot backup these disks using the AVVI agent.  You would have to load RAWS in the VM and back the VM up as if it is a physical machine

2) What version of VMware are you using?  BE 2010 does not use VCB anymore.  It uses the vStorage API which only comes with the paid versions of VMware?

Employee Accredited Certified

Also does nbd transport mode work? (as a test)

Level 3

1) Yes, I am. Today I have two phisical running in cluster mode connected in a Storage and the client managing the vms. My BE is 12.5 and the VM option is marked as SAN mode.

2)My VM is 3.5.1 (odl :| ) but there is a planning to upgrade it.

Level 3

Hi Colin,  I am running a test right now in NDB mode as suggested. It seems that it will work because the error happened on the beginning and now the Job Status is exporting. This error happens only with two VMs. I make copies from almost ten. If I change the bkp mode to NDB and works, do you suggest to keep it? May I keep running full and differential too?


Level 6
Partner Accredited

Are the two servers that are failing on another datastore/volume ?
Make sure that the backup exec server has access to the volumes, without the backup mode NDB VCB tries to access the volumes directly over FibreChannel/iSCSI.

Level 3

Yes, they are.

 There are differents datastores just to organize, but the BA has access in both of them. I've just run a test in NDB mode and it works. I will try to make it for the hole VM job now.

Level 3

Hi all,

I run the bkp with NDB mode and it made the bkp, but I still facing this error, but now it doesn't show in whitch server this problem happens:

"Vmware ESX backup fails with "Final error: 0xe0009565 - The virtual machine was not found in the VirtualCenter or ESX inventory "

Any idea?


Level 3

Hey everybody,

Nothing more?

Employee Accredited Certified

If you have removed a VM that was in the selection list you might see an error reproted with no VM name.

Check the text based view of the selection list and make sure all entries are valid.

If they all are valid then compare the order of the VMs in the selection list with the order in the job log up to and beyond the error message and this should help isolate the affected VM.