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Exchange Agents not working after upgrade from base 9.1 to latest patch

Level 3
I recently upgraded from base 9.1 to the latest patch release on both the backup machine (XP pro) and my Exchange server(windows 2000/Exchange 2000). Since the update I get:
Click an error below to locate it in the job log
Backup - MAIL
Unable to attach to \\MAIL\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes.
Unable to attach to \\MAIL\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes.

Job ended: Thursday, July 14, 2005 at 9:06:56 PM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xa000848c - Unable to attach to one of the drives.

Final error category: Resource Errors

Nothing else with either system had changed and we had done a successful backup immediately preceding the patch upgrade.

I tried bouncing both server as well as cycling the services with no luck.

Please let me know what we can do to get this working again.


Level 3

The upgrade apparently muncged the Resource Credentials and were using the wrong account to get to the Exchange agent. All set when I reset them back to their original values. Wierd.