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Exchange Database and Individual Backups

Level 2
I have a quick question..

I was informed by a colleague that backing up the Exchange Info Store AND the individual mailboxes on the same tape each night can be a bad thing. They said something about if one mailbox gets corrupt then all of them can?

To me is seems like it should not matter if you backup both of them at the same time. You want to backup the store for disaster recovery, nad backup the indivual mailboxes for a quick mailbox or email restore.

Anyone have any info to dispute this claim?

Thanks a bunch in advance.

Level 6
Don't really see how one "corrupt" mailbox (if it really is corrupt) can could affect another non-corrupt mailbox by being backed up. Sounds like and Urban?tech legend to me.

One thing, tho, if the tape goes bad (which we all know does happen) you've lost your redundancy, such as it isMessage was edited by:
Ken Putnam

Level 6
Backing up the infor store and the mailboxes to seperate tapes would help in terms of redundancy. No known issues exist regarding one corrupt mailbox affecting the others on the same tape.

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