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Failed Jobs

Level 2
Is there any way to tell quickly why a job failed? Basically, if a job fails because an open file couldn't be backed up or if it's because the backup server couldn't connect to one of the network drives, there isn't a way to tell quickly what happened without opening the log (which is large and takes a decent amount of time).

Is there any way to tell if a job failure was because of something like an open file or a problem with a single file vs. not being able to connect to a network drive?

I was told by a Vertias Tech Support agent a while back that jobs must be marked failed even if a file couldn't be backed up because it was open, but said there was no way to quickly tell what happened without reading the log file.


Level 3

according to the question asked by you that u would like to know a quicker way for finding errors by not going into job logs.

Unfortunately this is not possible.

A backup job when fails gives a poppup for the specific category of reason.

Uusually for backup selections where open files are present and AOFO is not used the the job gives a pop up saying the job succeeded but with exceptions.

And for the other reson for not being able to attach the drive it gives a pop up saying not able to attach the drive or access denied but to know the exact issue we have to go to job logs.

U can try to split jobs and verify as well.



Level 6
When a job fails the job status in the activity monitor in the job history sevtion shows the status of the jobs.

For further details on the error massage and job details it is necessary to check the job log
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