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Failure to render job history in XML

Level 3
Hello Everyone,

Up until a few days ago, everything was running smoothly and then suddenly I can not read any FAILED job logs.  If I double-click on one to open, it takes about 2-3 minutes for the window to appear and then another 2-5 minutes before I receive a pop-up stating, "Unable to retrieve job log.  No further information available."  I have to click twice to remove that message and then I am shown a blank Job History window.  If either of the tabs are selected, the process starts over requiring a wait time of approximately 2-5 minutes.  There was also another error that appeared referring to a failure to render in XML and the job appeared in plain text but that only happened once or twice.

Originally I had assumed that the issue was because of the remote client on my PC.  I reinstalled the program yet still receive the error.  I checked with the MIS Manager and he is having the same issue with the FAILED job logs.

I would appreciate any assistance offered!

Level 6
try the following
Are you able to open the job log for the successful backups ??
But the 1st thing would be to find the reason why the backup is failling .
From the job histroy check the last server being backed up on which the backup fails
Create a seprate test backup for that server and try running the Job again .

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified