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Getting "file is corrupt on media" errors every night

Level 2
We are running Netware Small Business 6.5 with SP2, Backup Exec 9.10 rev 1152. Everynight the backup runs, it gets the error "file is corrupt on media" with a lot of files. The server was running TSAFS.NLM, and I have seen some posts that there are alot of issues with this agent. I renamed the file and manually loaded TSA600.nlm on the server and restarted Backup Exec. This worked well for a couple of days, then the error came back. I have tried a couple of times to switch back and forth between TSAFS.nlm and TSA600 and keep getting the error. The server has been rebooted a couple of times as well. There is no open file option running on the server. What is causing this error and how do I get it fixed?


Level 2
We are also having the same problems including some Novell SMS errors. I am in contact with Veritas Support on this issue and if anything they suggest finally resolves this problem, I will post here. So far, these have been their suggestions:
1. Ran backup job in debug mode and sent debut logs, BEDIAG.FAX and CONFIG.TXT to Veritas.
2. Was told to copy files that were corrupt on media to another location and do another backup job but told Veritas that it is not always the same files that are corrupt on media (usually different files on every backup).
3. Told to download the TSA5UP17.EXE from Novell but this patch was already installed on the media server.
4. Was told to perform a backup job using the backup to disk folder which also had corrupt on media error messages.
5. Was the told to basically create another backup job after doing a BESTOP, then renaming the MM folder to oldMM and create a new folder called MM, rename the JOBQUEUE.DAT and JOBQUEUE.IDX files, BESTART. The backup job also had corrupt on media and Novell SMS errors.
This is where I am now, waiting for more suggestions.

Level 2
Thanks for your input. I have tried renaming the whole Backup Exec folder and reinstall the application. Doing this I have had to set the policies and the backup jobs up again. This has not made a difference. I think it is time to call Veritas.

Level 2
Did some more testing today. Did a backup of a couple of folders that Friday nights backup said that the files were corrupt on the media. Got 2 successful backups of these files using the same policy. The backups are starting at 11:00 at night and running through to 2:30 the next morning. The first of 2 volumes completes at 11:45 and it seems to be fine (other than a few open files). There must be something running on the server after midnight to cause these problems. We are going to set the job to run at 8:00 tonight and see what errors it completes with. Any ideas of what is running on the server at midnight to cause these issues? Thanks

Level 2
We finally figured out what was causing the corrupt on media messages. I was told by Veritas to re-apply TSA5UP17 to the media server and to unload Symantec AntiVirus before running the backup job. That night's backup was normal -- no corrupt media errors. I was also told to use the Stuffkey utility to unload Symantec AntiVirus before a backup. See

By any chance do you have some sort of antivirus program running during the backups?

Level 2
I too ended up talking to Veritas about the issue. We applied the patch to bring the build to 1154 and this did not resolve the issues. Found that SAV 9.1 was causing the issues. For some reason with build 1152 unloading SAV did not make a difference in the backups. Tried doing a backup of the volume to folder on a different volume, and the backups completed without any "corrupt on media" errors. (the volume was about 1Gb short of space to do a complete backup). This was the confusing part. Backing up to folder had no issues, only when backing up to tape. Guy at Veritas recommended opening an incident with Novell about the issue or contacting Syamantec about the issue. Opted to call Symantec (seeings it is a lot cheaper to call them) and they indicated that they were aware of the problem but did not yet have a solution. They did recommend making one change to the server. By default SAV on the server scans files on access and modify. We changed it to scan on modify only and let the backups run. Backups have run successfully since this change. If changing the setting did not change anything, they did recommend running STUFKEY to unload SAV prior to the backups starting.