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Help, Jobs not Appending

Level 2
Backup Exec 10.1 Rev. 5629
Windows Server 2003

Everyday the files are being overwritten with the latest backup. Do I have this setup correctly?
I have one job to do a full monthly backup, then I have another job doing daily differential backups. They are both saving to a separate Windows 2003 server to external USB HD.  The files are saved in two separate folders through a share. ex. \\server01\Full Backup. \\server01\Daily Backup. 

Job Setup (I set up two jobs)

Both are set to "Append to media, overwrite if no appendable media is available"
Differential - Back up changed files since last full - Using archive bit (does not reset archive bit)
Full - Back up files - Using archive bit (reset archive bit)

Backup-to-Disk Folders (I set up two devices)

Maximum size for Backup-to-Disk files: 4000GB
Allow concurrent operations: 2


Overwrite protection period: Infinite - Don't Allow Overwrite
Append Period: Infinite - Allow Append

Level 6
Everything looks like it should work to me

Just out of curiosity, what is the Global Overwrite protection set to (Tools\Options\Media Management)
Also, what is the number of backup sets per file?

I would however change your setup in one way.  If all your jobs are append, then eventually the disk will fill up, and since ALL BKF files in an "append family" share an OPP, none will  be overwriteable, so I would change all your jobs to overwrite, I would also  lower the file size to the default (4GB if I remember correctly )

Level 2
The Global Overwrite protection was set to Partial. I changed it to Full.
The number of backup sets per file is 100.
I changed the maximize Backup-to-Disk size to 4GB. The size of the backup file is 600GB. Does that mean it will create 150 files per backup?

Level 6

Global of either FULL or PARTIAL should work fine

As for the file size.  yes it will create 150 files per backup, but if  the backup ever goes to 605GB, with overwrite jobs, you would be wasting 57 GB.   You can compromise a little, but if you stay with OVERWRITE jobs, you would want to watch the total backup size

If you stay with Append Jobs, the 605GB jobs won't waste any space, but sooner or later you will run into the situation I mentioned before where your disk will be full and NONE of the BKF files will  be overwriteable

Still don't have a clue why your jobs are overwriting rather than appending tho