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Hotfix 4&6 not installing

Level 3
Copy below is from a previous thread that I never got a reply form Veritas on... any ideas?

I have been trying to install the most recent hotfixes 4 & 6 but they keep coming back that it was interrupted and that it is rolling back the changes. I have made sure that there were no services running under Backexec and sql was not running. These fixes could fix a problem I am having but now they are creating their own problems... any ideas?

Thank you,

When I try to do the silent operation as stated before it says in the error log this is not a small business server and stops. When I just run the file from the directory it also hangs. Below is the the bkupinst.log, any ideas?


First one is running it silent and it gives the SBS error and the second is it running from the file and then saying its rolling it back.

08-08-2005,11:44:51 : Executing CheckPatchDependencies.
08-08-2005,11:44:51 : Executing GetProductGuid.
08-08-2005,11:44:51 : Executing GetDependentPatches.
08-08-2005,11:44:51 : Executing CheckForDependencies.
08-08-2005,11:44:51 : All dependencies have been met for this patch.
08-08-2005,11:44:51 : Executing GetProductGuid.
08-08-2005,11:44:51 : Checking to see if the user has administrator privileges.
08-08-2005,11:44:51 : Checking to see if the Backup Exec UI is running.
08-08-2005,11:44:51 : Backup Exec is currently executing. Please close Backup Exec and restart patch.
08-08-2005,11:45:06 : Backup Exec is currently executing. Please close Backup Exec and restart patch.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing CheckPatchDependencies.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing GetProductGuid.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing GetDependentPatches.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing CheckForDependencies.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : All dependencies have been met for this patch.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing GetProductGuid.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Checking to see if the user has administrator privileges.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Checking to see if the Backup Exec UI is running.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing BE_SetCAData.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing BEMain_PrepBEMain. Preparing BE Media Server components.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing CopySAPR3MediaToAgentsDir
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing MakeBEDBBakFile.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing SetRegKeys.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing RAMain_PrepRAMain. Preparing Remote Administrator Console components.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing CopyRAWS32Media
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing CopyRAWS64Media
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing CopyRAWSEX64Media
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing SetRAMainRegKeys.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing RASideBySideCheck
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing RAMain EnumkeyUpdate.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing RAMain EnumkeyUpdate.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing IDR_PrepIDR. Preparing IDR components.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing IDR_SetRegKeys.
08-08-2005,12:00:31 : Executing IDR_StreamMyCDSetup.
08-08-2005,12:00:33 : Executing AutoLdr_PrepAutoLdr. Preparing Auto Loader components.
08-08-2005,12:00:33 : Executing NetCHGR_AddToServiceGroup.
08-08-2005,12:00:33 : Executing VSD_InstallVSDTable.
08-08-2005,12:00:35 : Executing CHGR_CopySCSIDriver.
08-08-2005,12:00:35 : Executing CHGR_CopyOEMSetup.
08-08-2005,12:00:36 : Executing CHGR_SaveInstallInfo.
08-08-2005,12:00:36 : Executing VSP_PrepVSP. Preparing Advanced OFO components.
08-08-2005,12:00:36 : Executing CVSPOperations::SetVSPRegKeys
08-08-2005,12:00:36 : C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
08-08-2005,12:00:36 : {DD2B5BC3-1FC9-4FCC-B49E-7F28AF3AACD8}
08-08-2005,12:00:36 : 200
08-08-2005,12:00:36 : 10.0.5520
08-08-2005,12:00:36 : Executing CA PrepMSExch with target MSExch_PrepMSExch.
08-08-2005,12:00:36 : Executing MSExch_SetRegKeys.
08-08-2005,12:00:36 : Executing IsSBS()
08-08-2005,12:00:36 : Not a Small Business Server.
08-08-2005,12:01:24 : Executing SetMSMInstallDir
08-08-2005,12:01:25 : Executing SetBewsaTargetProperty.
08-08-2005,12:01:25 : BEWSATARGET.52386FC2_5A96_4505_896E_E5A5D41757DC
08-08-2005,12:01:31 : Stopping BE services.
08-08-2005,12:02:00 : Installing BE services.
08-08-2005,12:02:00 : Installing BE database.
08-08-2005,12:02:00 : Executing Attach_BEDB.
08-08-2005,12:02:04 : The SQL server server1\BKUPEXEC with service name of MSSQL$BKUPEXEC has been started
08-08-2005,12:02:04 : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=server1\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes
08-08-2005,12:02:04 : Connected to SQL Server.
08-08-2005,12:02:04 : A previous BEDB database was found. Detaching current BEDB database now.
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : Database BEDB has been taken offline.
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : The original BEDB database was detached. The new BEDB database will now be attached.
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : Attaching BEDB to SQL Server.
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : EXEC sp_attach_db 'BEDB',@filename1 = N'C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\BEDB_Dat.mdf', @filename2 = N'C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\BEDB_Log.ldf'
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : BEDB has been succesfully attached to SQL Server.
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : Executing BE_SetSQLMaxMemory.
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : Executing SetSQLMaxMemory.
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=server1\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : Connected to SQL Server.
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : Setting SQL server max memory to 767 MB
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : SQL Server max memory has been set.
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : Executing BE_BackupDBFiles.
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=server1\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=master
08-08-2005,12:02:05 : Connected to SQL Server for DB location.
08-08-2005,12:02:11 : The SQL server server1\BKUPEXEC with service name of MSSQL$BKUPEXEC has been stopped.
08-08-2005,12:02:14 : The SQL server server1\BKUPEXEC with service name of MSSQL$BKUPEXEC has been started
08-08-2005,12:02:14 : About to configure BE main module.
08-08-2005,12:02:14 : Executing BEMain_ConfigBEMain. Configuring BE Media Server components.
08-08-2005,12:02:15 : Executing RegCOMServers.
08-08-2005,12:02:15 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\ipvlapi.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:15 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\ipvlapi.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:15 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\becatdrv.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:15 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\becatdrv.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:15 : Registering Dll: C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqlxmlx.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:15 : Successful registration of C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqlxmlx.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:15 : Registering Dll: C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:15 : Successful registration of C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:15 : Registering Dll: C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\oledb32.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:15 : Successful registration of C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\oledb32.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:15 : Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurityRights.
08-08-2005,12:02:15 : Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurity.
08-08-2005,12:02:17 : Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurity.
08-08-2005,12:02:17 : Executing BE_PerfSetup.
08-08-2005,12:02:17 : C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\BEPerfSetup.exe -Refresh C:\WINNT\system32
08-08-2005,12:02:18 : BE main module has been configured successfully.
08-08-2005,12:02:18 : About to configure RA main module.
08-08-2005,12:02:18 : Executing RAMain_ConfigRAMain. Configuring Remote Administrator Console components.
08-08-2005,12:02:18 : Executing RAMain RegisterDlls.
08-08-2005,12:02:18 : ERROR: Failed to load \storex.ocx
08-08-2005,12:02:18 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
08-08-2005,12:02:18 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
08-08-2005,12:02:19 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:19 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:19 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:19 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:19 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:19 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:19 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\NotificationUI320U.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:19 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\NotificationUI320U.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:19 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\RecipientUI320U.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:19 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\RecipientUI320U.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:20 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:20 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:20 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:20 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:20 : Executing RAMain SetReportFilesToReadOnly.
08-08-2005,12:02:20 : Executing CopyBELogoBmps.
08-08-2005,12:02:21 : RA main module has been configured successfully.
08-08-2005,12:02:21 : Executing IDR_ConfigIDR. Configuring IDR components.
08-08-2005,12:02:21 : Executing IDR_LaunchMyCD.
08-08-2005,12:02:21 : C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.COM\LOCALS~1\Temp\{DD2B5BC3-1FC9-4FCC-B49E-7F28AF3AACD8}\\setup.exe -NOREBOOT
08-08-2005,12:02:22 : Executing VSP_ConfigVSP. Configuring Advanced OFO components.
08-08-2005,12:02:22 : Executing BE_InstallVxTapeDevices.
08-08-2005,12:02:22 : Executing AutoLdr_ConfigAutoLdr. Configuring Auto Loader components.
08-08-2005,12:02:22 : Executing VSD_InstallDrivers.
08-08-2005,12:02:22 : C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\loader
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Executing SetupAutoloader.
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Failed to create SCSIChanger service.
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Executing StartAutoldrDrivers.
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.COM\LOCALS~1\Temp\{DD2B5BC3-1FC9-4FCC-B49E-7F28AF3AACD8}\\startchgdrv.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Unable to start changers at this time.
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Executing BEDB schema upgrades.
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Loaded C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\bemigl.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Got the proc address for MG_NonUiInit
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Got the proc address for MG_Start
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : In BeMigl MG_Init
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : In BeMigl Init
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Got Module handle for bemigl.dll
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Xml File name:
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\migconfig.xml
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Number of libraries to load 5
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Adding C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\pvlupgrade.dll to the library list
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Adding C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\jobmigration.dll to the library list
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Adding C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\catupgrade.dll to the library list
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Adding C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\nsemigration.dll to the library list
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Adding C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\DLOUpgradeu.dll to the library list
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : exiting ReadXMLFile
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Migration running in silent mode
08-08-2005,12:02:23 : Initializing migration library 0
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : Assigning function pointers.
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : Pvlupgrade MIG_Init()- start
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : DriverConnect:DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=server1\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : Querying version data
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : AdammUpgradeView::Initialize() = 0
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : Initializing migration library 1
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : Assigning function pointers.
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : Initializing migration library 2
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : Assigning function pointers.
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : Initializing migration library 3
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : Assigning function pointers.
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : Install Key=Software\VERITAS\Backup Exec\Install
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : NSE Migration: NSEMigration Internal Registry Key=0x0
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : Initializing migration library 4
08-08-2005,12:02:24 : Assigning function pointers.
08-08-2005,12:02:50 : Rolling back stop of BE services.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing CheckPatchDependencies.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing GetProductGuid.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing GetDependentPatches.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing CheckForDependencies.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : All dependencies have been met for this patch.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing GetProductGuid.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Checking to see if the user has administrator privileges.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Checking to see if the Backup Exec UI is running.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing BE_SetCAData.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing BEMain_PrepBEMain. Preparing BE Media Server components.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing CopySAPR3MediaToAgentsDir
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing MakeBEDBBakFile.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing SetRegKeys.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing RAMain_PrepRAMain. Preparing Remote Administrator Console components.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing CopyRAWS32Media
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing CopyRAWS64Media
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing CopyRAWSEX64Media
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing SetRAMainRegKeys.
08-08-2005,12:05:48 : Executing RASideBySideCheck
08-08-2005,12:05:49 : Executing RAMain EnumkeyUpdate.
08-08-2005,12:05:49 : Executing RAMain EnumkeyUpdate.
08-08-2005,12:05:49 : Executing IDR_PrepIDR. Preparing IDR components.
08-08-2005,12:05:49 : Executing IDR_SetRegKeys.
08-08-2005,12:05:49 : Executing IDR_StreamMyCDSetup.
08-08-2005,12:05:49 : Executing AutoLdr_PrepAutoLdr. Preparing Auto Loader components.
08-08-2005,12:05:49 : Executing NetCHGR_AddToServiceGroup.
08-08-2005,12:05:49 : Executing VSD_InstallVSDTable.
08-08-2005,12:05:51 : Executing CHGR_CopySCSIDriver.
08-08-2005,12:05:52 : Executing CHGR_CopyOEMSetup.
08-08-2005,12:05:52 : Executing CHGR_SaveInstallInfo.
08-08-2005,12:05:52 : Executing VSP_PrepVSP. Preparing Advanced OFO components.
08-08-2005,12:05:52 : Executing CVSPOperations::SetVSPRegKeys
08-08-2005,12:05:52 : C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
08-08-2005,12:05:52 : {DD2B5BC3-1FC9-4FCC-B49E-7F28AF3AACD8}
08-08-2005,12:05:52 : 200
08-08-2005,12:05:52 : 10.0.5520
08-08-2005,12:05:52 : Executing CA PrepMSExch with target MSExch_PrepMSExch.
08-08-2005,12:05:52 : Executing MSExch_SetRegKeys.
08-08-2005,12:05:52 : Executing IsSBS()
08-08-2005,12:05:52 : Not a Small Business Server.
08-08-2005,12:05:58 : Executing SetMSMInstallDir
08-08-2005,12:05:59 : Executing SetBewsaTargetProperty.
08-08-2005,12:05:59 : BEWSATARGET.52386FC2_5A96_4505_896E_E5A5D41757DC
08-08-2005,12:06:29 : Stopping BE services.
08-08-2005,12:06:50 : Installing BE services.
08-08-2005,12:06:50 : Installing BE database.
08-08-2005,12:06:50 : Executing Attach_BEDB.
08-08-2005,12:06:51 : The SQL server server1\BKUPEXEC with service name of MSSQL$BKUPEXEC has been started
08-08-2005,12:06:51 : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=server1\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes
08-08-2005,12:06:51 : Connected to SQL Server.
08-08-2005,12:06:51 : A previous BEDB database was found. Detaching current BEDB database now.
08-08-2005,12:06:51 : ERROR: Could not find database ID 231. Database may not be activated yet or may be in transition.
ALTER DATABASE statement failed.

sql:alter database set offline with rollback immediate

08-08-2005,12:06:52 : WARNING: Failed to take database BEDB offline.
08-08-2005,12:06:52 : The original BEDB database was detached. The new BEDB database will now be attached.
08-08-2005,12:06:52 : Attaching BEDB to SQL Server.
08-08-2005,12:06:52 : EXEC sp_attach_db 'BEDB',@filename1 = N'C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\BEDB_Dat.mdf', @filename2 = N'C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\BEDB_Log.ldf'
08-08-2005,12:06:52 : BEDB has been succesfully attached to SQL Server.
08-08-2005,12:06:52 : Executing BE_SetSQLMaxMemory.
08-08-2005,12:06:52 : Executing SetSQLMaxMemory.
08-08-2005,12:06:52 : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=server1\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes
08-08-2005,12:06:52 : Connected to SQL Server.
08-08-2005,12:06:52 : Setting SQL server max memory to 767 MB
08-08-2005,12:06:53 : SQL Server max memory has been set.
08-08-2005,12:06:53 : Executing BE_BackupDBFiles.
08-08-2005,12:06:53 : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=server1\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=master
08-08-2005,12:06:53 : Connected to SQL Server for DB location.
08-08-2005,12:06:59 : The SQL server server1\BKUPEXEC with service name of MSSQL$BKUPEXEC has been stopped.
08-08-2005,12:07:02 : The SQL server server1\BKUPEXEC with service name of MSSQL$BKUPEXEC has been started
08-08-2005,12:07:02 : About to configure BE main module.
08-08-2005,12:07:02 : Executing BEMain_ConfigBEMain. Configuring BE Media Server components.
08-08-2005,12:07:02 : Executing RegCOMServers.
08-08-2005,12:07:02 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\ipvlapi.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:02 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\ipvlapi.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:03 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\becatdrv.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:03 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\becatdrv.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:03 : Registering Dll: C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqlxmlx.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:03 : Successful registration of C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqlxmlx.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:03 : Registering Dll: C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:03 : Successful registration of C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:03 : Registering Dll: C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\oledb32.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:03 : Successful registration of C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\oledb32.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:03 : Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurityRights.
08-08-2005,12:07:03 : Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurity.
08-08-2005,12:07:04 : Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurity.
08-08-2005,12:07:05 : Executing BE_PerfSetup.
08-08-2005,12:07:05 : C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\BEPerfSetup.exe -Refresh C:\WINNT\system32
08-08-2005,12:07:05 : BE main module has been configured successfully.
08-08-2005,12:07:05 : About to configure RA main module.
08-08-2005,12:07:05 : Executing RAMain_ConfigRAMain. Configuring Remote Administrator Console components.
08-08-2005,12:07:05 : Executing RAMain RegisterDlls.
08-08-2005,12:07:05 : ERROR: Failed to load \storex.ocx
08-08-2005,12:07:06 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
08-08-2005,12:07:06 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
08-08-2005,12:07:06 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:06 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:06 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:06 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:06 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:06 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:06 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\NotificationUI320U.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:06 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\NotificationUI320U.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:06 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\RecipientUI320U.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:06 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\RecipientUI320U.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:08 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:08 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:08 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:08 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:08 : Executing RAMain SetReportFilesToReadOnly.
08-08-2005,12:07:08 : Executing CopyBELogoBmps.
08-08-2005,12:07:09 : RA main module has been configured successfully.
08-08-2005,12:07:09 : Executing IDR_ConfigIDR. Configuring IDR components.
08-08-2005,12:07:09 : Executing IDR_LaunchMyCD.
08-08-2005,12:07:09 : C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.COM\LOCALS~1\Temp\{DD2B5BC3-1FC9-4FCC-B49E-7F28AF3AACD8}\\setup.exe -NOREBOOT
08-08-2005,12:07:09 : Executing VSP_ConfigVSP. Configuring Advanced OFO components.
08-08-2005,12:07:09 : Executing BE_InstallVxTapeDevices.
08-08-2005,12:07:09 : Executing AutoLdr_ConfigAutoLdr. Configuring Auto Loader components.
08-08-2005,12:07:09 : Executing VSD_InstallDrivers.
08-08-2005,12:07:09 : C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\loader
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Executing SetupAutoloader.
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Failed to create SCSIChanger service.
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Executing StartAutoldrDrivers.
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.COM\LOCALS~1\Temp\{DD2B5BC3-1FC9-4FCC-B49E-7F28AF3AACD8}\\startchgdrv.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Unable to start changers at this time.
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Executing BEDB schema upgrades.
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Loaded C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\bemigl.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Got the proc address for MG_NonUiInit
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Got the proc address for MG_Start
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : In BeMigl MG_Init
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : In BeMigl Init
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Got Module handle for bemigl.dll
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Xml File name:
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\migconfig.xml
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Number of libraries to load 5
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Adding C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\pvlupgrade.dll to the library list
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Adding C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\jobmigration.dll to the library list
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Adding C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\catupgrade.dll to the library list
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Adding C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\nsemigration.dll to the library list
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Adding C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\DLOUpgradeu.dll to the library list
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : exiting ReadXMLFile
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Migration running in silent mode
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Initializing migration library 0
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Assigning function pointers.
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Pvlupgrade MIG_Init()- start
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : DriverConnect:DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=server1\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Querying version data
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : In setpercentcomplete no pMigUI returning.
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : AdammUpgradeView::Initialize() = 0
08-08-2005,12:07:10 : Initializing migration library 1
08-08-2005,12:07:11 : Assigning function pointers.
08-08-2005,12:07:11 : Initializing migration library 2
08-08-2005,12:07:11 : Assigning function pointers.
08-08-2005,12:07:11 : Initializing migration library 3
08-08-2005,12:07:11 : Assigning function pointers.
08-08-2005,12:07:11 : Install Key=Software\VERITAS\Backup Exec\Install
08-08-2005,12:07:11 : NSE Migration: NSEMigration Internal Registry Key=0x0
08-08-2005,12:07:11 : Initializing migration library 4
08-08-2005,12:07:11 : Assigning function pointers.
08-08-2005,12:07:35 : Rolling back stop of BE services.


Type Date Time Source Category Event User Computer
Information 8/8/2005 12:08:28 PM MsiInstaller None 11729 Administrator servername
Error 8/8/2005 12:08:28 PM MsiInstaller None 1024 Administrator servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:59 PM DLOAdminSvcu None 50000 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:58 PM Backup Exec Catalog Server None 34305 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:57 PM Backup Exec Catalog Server None 34304 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:51 PM Backup Exec None 57796 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:37 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:36 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:36 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:36 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:36 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:36 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:36 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:36 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:35 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:35 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17176 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:35 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:35 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:02 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:02 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:02 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:02 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:02 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17176 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:07:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:53 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:53 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17052 Administrator servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:52 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17052 Administrator servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:52 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:50 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:50 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:50 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:50 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:50 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17176 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:50 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:50 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:35 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:06:30 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:04:54 PM Backup Exec None 57797 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:04:48 PM DLOAdminSvcu None 50010 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:03:23 PM MsiInstaller None 11729 Administrator servername
Error 8/8/2005 12:03:23 PM MsiInstaller None 1024 Administrator servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:03:15 PM DLOAdminSvcu None 50000 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:03:13 PM Backup Exec Catalog Server None 34305 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:03:13 PM Backup Exec Catalog Server None 34304 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:03:07 PM Backup Exec None 57796 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:52 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17176 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:51 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:15 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:14 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:14 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:14 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:14 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:14 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:14 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:14 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:14 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:14 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17176 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:14 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:14 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:06 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:05 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17052 Administrator servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:05 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17052 Administrator servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:03 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:02 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:02 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:02 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:02 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17176 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:02:01 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:01:38 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO Disk 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 12:01:32 PM MSSQL$BKUPEXEC (2) 17055 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 11:45:52 AM Backup Exec None 57797 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 11:45:46 AM DLOAdminSvcu None 50010 N/A servername
Information 8/8/2005 11:45:06 AM MsiInstaller None 11729 Administrator servername
Error 8/8/2005 11:45:06 AM MsiInstaller None 1024 Administrator servername

Level 6

Ensure that the SYSTEM and Everyone has full control on the drive where you are trying to install the hotfixes and verify the results.

Additional Information :
For information on the recent VERITAS Backup Exec security vulnerabilities, including links to the downloads for the necessary hotfixes, please refer to the following document:
Patch summary for Security Advisories VX05-001, VX05-002, VX05-003, VX05-005, VX05-006, VX05-007

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
I am installing it as Admin with full rights. That is as high as you can get... any other ideas?

Level 6

Please check in the bkupinst.log for the last entry of "start time". In this check for "return value: 3" or "error"

Please paste that part of the log.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
I posted the entire log before. I searched thru the log and could not find anything related to return value:3, I also tried what some had said before to open licensing go thru, close it, close backexec, and try the update again but still with no luck.

Level 6

Install Hotfix 10 and then continue installation hotfix 4 and 6.

Backup Exec 10.0 for Windows Servers 5520 Hotfix 10

This hotfix resolves the following issues:

Hotfix installs fail with "wizard was interrupted" error message possibly due to a mix of remotely installed hotfixes followed by locally installed hotfixes

Refer the following technote:

Note:After installing hotfix 10 continue the installation of hotfix 4 and 6

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
I get the same problem with this Hotfix... This is not settling to well with my trial with you, at this current pace I will be looking for new software if we can not get this resolved, if it matters to you.

Level 6

Please perform a database repair and then try installing the hotfixes.

Please write to us if the issue persists.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 4
I'm having the same problem, but I'm trying to install hotfix 7. I tried repairing the databases (that seemed to complete), but I still cannot install the hotfix.

Level 3
First time I ran it, it said it didnt complete and got this error

Starting database repair.
Stopping Services
StStarting database repair.
Stopping Services
Stopping services for server:SERVER1.
Server:SERVER1, Service:BackupExecJobEngine stopped successfully or was not running.
Server:SERVER1, Service:BackupExecRPCService stopped successfully or was not running.
Server:SERVER1, Service:BackupExecDeviceMediaService stopped successfully or was not running.
Stopping services for server SERVER1 completed.
Performing repair for BEDB database.
Error: The data repair operation failed.
Starting Services
Database repair for server SERVER1 ended with errors.

This is getting really fustrating!

Level 4
I got the same error as well at first, but after running it the second time, I still was not able to install the hotfixes.

Level 6
If the repair install has failed the database is probabely corrupt, please try a repair install from add/remove programs.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answeredand would be moved toanswered questions pool.