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How can I start a job automatically when another job finishes?

Level 4
I'd like to kick off a backup job when another backup is complete. Is this possible?

How could I do this?


Level 4
Why can't you just schedule the second job to start sometimes after the first one? It should wait until the first one has finished before it can start - regardless of when that is. This is assuming that you only have one drive. If you have multiple drives, you could assign both backups to use the same drive. I'll admit, I have not done this in BE, but I did it all of the time using Arcserve. I doubt that there is a difference, but...Am I missing something here?

Level 4
I wish it was that easy.

The first backup goes to Disk and the second goes to tape, so there's nothing I can set on my tape job that can recognize when the disk job is complete.

This disk job finishes at different times each day and I have to wait until it's finished before I can kick off the tape job.


Level 4
Under Job Properties, Pre/Post Commands, add x:\path to BE folder\bemcmd -o1 -j"job name" as a post-job command.

If there are no spaces or colons in the job name, you don't need the quotation marks (i.e. -jexchange).

From what I've gathered the Pre/Post commands will run regardless of whether or not the primary job succeeds or fails.

Level 3
Am i understanding you correctly in that you want to perform a backup to disk, then copy this backup to disk to tape ?

Level 4
That is correct. I backup to disk during the night and to tape during the day.

Thanks for your suggestions. I'll try them out. Is there a better / easier way to do this or is it the best one out there?


Level 4
Sorry, I misunderstood what it is that you were trying to do. I think the answer guest gave is probably the best/easiest, although I can't personally vouch for the commands. As info, there are options listed there on how to proceed based on if the job is successful or fails, which you can set.

Level 3
I am doing the same sort of thing. i run the backup to disks during the night, then to tape in the morning. After the B2D's are copied to tape each morning, the B2D's are overwritten with each nightly backup. I have used policies to do these, because otherwise you will find that there is no way to restore the B2D that has been written to tape. You will need to do the following (assuming you already have the B2D folder created)
1. Create the job selection lists
2. Create a New policy, select new Backup template, and create your B2D job using the selection list you created in step 1
3. In the same Policy Create another new template as a 'Duplicate Backup Sets template' which will copy the B2D to tape.
4. Add a new template Rule as 'After completes, start , then select the B2D as first template, and B2D to tape as second template.
I have been running these backups for a few weeks now with no problems at all. When you come to restore the data from tape, you will be able to see the complete folder structure as you can on a normal tape backup.
Hope this helps.

Level 6

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