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How does verify work on open files?

Level 3

I am wondering how verify works. Verifying is done after the backup has finised, isn't it? But what happens if files are changed between backuping and verifying?

Is ask this because sometimes the verify failes on some files. Because the backup is done (for tests) into a backup-to-disk folder, i don't think that the backup is corrupt.

Thx for any hints.

Level 6
Verify does NOT compare tape (or disk) data to the original disk. For server Backups that may take several hours, this would guarantee "failures" evry time the backup was run.

In Veritas Speak, "Verify" means that the Tape (or Disk) data is read, checksums are calculated, and compared to checksums written during the backup. If the checksums match, the backup data is considered good.

Level 3
Aha! So if I make a backup to disk-folder than there is really something wrong with the data written. Hm, that's not good :( I was aware that there can be write errors when writting to a tape, but to a hard disk :(

The backup to disk-folder is not on the local machine but on a share that is accessed via network. So there is then something wrong with the network. Would you agree?

Thanks for your answer.


Level 6
Could be your hard drive, could be the controller, could be the network

Can you try B2D on anothe physical drive on the same server?
on the media server ? (jut for troubleshooting reasons of course)

Do you have a tape device that you can connect to the media server and try tape backups?

Level 3
Thx for your answer. Seemed that it was damaged hardware. After changing the backup works without problems.
