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How is the catalog in BE backed up to tape

Level 2

Hi all,


I am new to BE (12.5), have extensive Netbackup Experience and am trying to figure out how the catalog in BE is written to tape. I've read that the catalog is backed up by a db cleanup job daily to disk and tools-->options-->catalog options have use storage media checked off. I've also read that after completing it's backup job, BE writes a copy to the storage media. Is there a way to verify that the catalog was written to tape, I do not see the BE Server catalog folder in the backup selection path.





Level 6

Unlike Netbackup, no need to create a seprate backup job for catalogs in backup Exec

By default catalogs files are kept in x:\program files\Symantec\backup exec\catalogs

you can copy\backup these files.


In case if you want to restore from media at differnet site, you can manually catalog a media

or paste the catalog files which copied above.



Level 6

What is written to disk in the BEDB.BAK file is the BackupExec database, which contains the job defs, media sets, partition defs, B2d defs,  etc

The catalogs contain only info pertaining to the data on a specific media (tape volume or BKF/IMG file

All catalog files except the one for the current job are backed up if you backup the ..\Catalog folder. 

Level 6
Partner Accredited

BE writes catalog data to media also. But a media contains catalog only for data on that media. With the help of the catalog which resides on media server, you can restore any media which was backed up by that media server. By using any other installation of BE you have to catalog the media first to restore it. But it is very long process. (In case of NBU it is a two step process).

Job,policy,device...all these confoguration details only resides on media server.

So, it is better to maintain a copy of CATALOGS AND DATA folders which resides on the media server.

In case of a media server crash, by using the above specified folders you can get your old configuration back on a fresh installation of BE.

Finally i don't think you can see the catalog information written on the media.

Employee Accredited Certified

The tape based catalog is really a function of Microsoft's MTF format (and I think NetBackup uses TAR) so you probably want to start reading up on MTF.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hi D_N,

Can you please close the discussion by marking a post which helped you most as solution?
