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IDR Requested Media Prompt

Level 4
System: (3) Servers
Windows Server 2003 STD Edition
Veitas Backup Exec for Windows 9.1
1 Media server and 2 clients (SQL and EXCH)

When setting up Intelligent Disaster Recovery for the media server I am prompted to insert the "Windows Server installation media". Here is my problem, the original media has been lost, stolen, destroyed, whatever I don't have access to it any longer. If I understand IDR, it wants the original and not a substitute. Wait it gets better; the media is a volume license CD and was used to install all the production servers in our network.
I have tried gening up the key but it doesn't match the media I use so it gives me the error, "Invalid key, would you like to contiune?" Obviously this will not work when the server dies and IDR is required.

Is there a way around this?

Thank you for your help in this matter!!


Level 6

Thank you for your question.

For IDR preparation wizard any standard but same Operating System CD will work. However you need to have CD key to work with it.

We hope this information helps, if you have any other questions please respond to the post and we will be more than happy to assist you further.

Level 4
I just want to be sure;
So I can use any Windows Server 2003 media as long as I have a vlid cd key for that specific media? Can this other media be MSDN version?
I am possitive I have tried this but if that is the answer I will go back and try it again just for good measure.

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Level 6

As mentioned earlier you can use a Windows 2003 CD provided by microsoft or Of OEM( Original Equipement Manufacturer) with a valid key.

You can not use other media of MSDN version.

NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be 'assumed answered' and archived

Level 6
As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool.