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IDR Wizard help

Level 2
Hi guys,

This is the first time I am attempting to use the intelligent disaster recovery prepation wizard..

What I want to do is make a bootable tape of the fresh install and setup of a windows 2003 server that has just been configured.

I loaded the IDR wizard, went to create media and selected the server. I then clicked next to create the type of bootable media i want. For some reason Tape is not highlighted although the tape drive is installed and in the drive pool. Only diskette and cd image are highlighted. I already managed to make a backup onto the tape with some other files as a test so i know the drive is working. Any ideas why its not highlighted in the IDR wizard?



Level 2
Which Tape Device do you use ?
Are you sure that it is a bootable one ?

Level 2
its an interal drive on a new dual xeon 64bit

this is the drive spec:

Quantum value DLTape(tm) DLT VS160 Drive

Level 6

Preparing the media for Intelligent Disaster Recovery (IDR) which includes creation of a bootable CD, creation of IDR diskettes and updating the IDR diskettes.

Summary of what needs to be done:

1. Run a full backup of server
2. Create a bootable CD
3. Burn the bootable ISO image to CD
4. Create the IDR diskettes (Required for Windows XP/Windows 2003)
5. Periodically update the IDR diskettes

Required items before proceeding:

1. Available tape for full backup of server
2. Operating System (OS) installation CD/files
3. Product Key from OS installation CD/files
4. Blank CD-R or CD-RW
5. Software to burn the ISO image to CD
6. Floppy diskettes (usually 2 are needed)

You will need the following to recover a computer using IDR

1. The bootable IDR CD that was created for this computer
2. The 2 IDR diskettes created for this computer
3. The tape with the last FULL Backup for this computer
4. Also - any INCREMENTAL or DIFFERENTIAL backup tape(s) for this computer

You can refer the following technotes.

The Intelligent Disaster Recovery (IDR) process step by step

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