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IDR restore error, windows 2003 server

Level 2
I'm new to supporting backup exec at my site.
I'm currently testing version 10.

After restoring from tape, when the computer boots and I login using the local Administrator account. I get the following:
This copy of Windows must be activated with Microsoft before you can continue. You cannot log on until you activate Windows. Do you want to activate Windows now?

I click "yes" and then get:
A problem is preventing Windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error Code 0x80004005.

I was running with version 10 rev 5484 with no patches applied.

I did not find any hits for this error for version 10. I thought my next step should be to update to most current patch version, and am not sure what the most up to date version is. I see there is a Service Pack 1 so I know I need that, then there are patches listed.

How do I tell what patches are in Service Pack 1?

When looking over patches for any version of backup exec, does patch 23 contain all the fixes for patches 1-22 also?

I'm trying to grasp how to make sure I have a up to date version of Backup Exec.

Level 6

As you are using BE v10.0 you can install SP1 using following link.

-- You can verify which patches are installed on your server from Help -- About VeritasBackup Exec -- Installed Updates

-- Also you can get the list of latest updates or patches from the Tools -- Veritas updates, so that you can install them

About the error you are getting,
"A problem is preventing Windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error Code 0x80004005".

This issue could occur when IDR "Assisted" or "Manual" mode is selected when performing the IDR.

You can refer the following technote.

We have addressed this issue in the in our release of SP1 of BE v9.1,
-- Install the SP1 for BE v10.0 using the link given above.

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Level 2
Thank you for the response.

I have applied SP1 for BE 10.

I did a full backup of my Windows 2003 server (no service pack) and created a new IDR CD.

When doing the recovery I selected "automatic".

I am still getting the error:
"A problem is preventing Windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error Code 0x80004005".

I get this error restoring to same exact hardware.

Level 6

Please contcat Microsoft for further troubleshooting as the OS is unable to register the license key.

For more information, refer the following article.;en-us;306081

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.

Not applicable
I have applied SP1 for BE 10.d and all other SP-s.

I did a full backup of my Windows 2003 standard R2 server with all updates and created a IDR CD.

I have getting the same error:
"A problem is preventing Windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error Code 0x80004005".

I get this error restoring to same machine.

What can I do?

Best regards,