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Idea or Plan for a Daily Archive Or Suggestions for alternatives

Level 3
    Currently I have several servers and use BE to do my Disaster Recovery. 

Need to buy the intelligent recovery option so I have a full Image of the servers once a month or every few months.

Rigth now it works for basic backup but If I have a massive failure of one of the DC's I'm doubtfull the restore will go smoothly.

My Primary problem though is the company data and their policy on retention and its practice.  Its an engineering company and I still have to contract the old IT Admin to do a daily backup basically of all files that have changed in the last day.

He uses Xtree/Ztree to do these tasks because he can tag all files and filter them manually and move them complete with their paths by date.  Basically if he sees a file several directories deep of the project it takes the folder structure and recreates it on the archive volume (This is of course Uncompressed!)

Once the dailys reach 4.2gb I burn them off and archive them.  I am almost ready to start using Dual Layer DVD's but I'd rather just have my BE11d do all this for me but haven't figured out a solution yet.

Basically I need to archive every single file change daily forever.  Then I need to be able to search for those files by date/time and name to see how many times that file has changed and go get them all whether they are on DVD or the physical Disk. 

Disk Being Cheap I'd probably just create a nice SATA Raid 5 with new 750 or 1tb drives about 4/5 deep for storage and let it ride and then start archiving that when needed.

Anyway If you can come up with some solutions to my quandry let me know.

Currently my backup plan is the basic policy of GFS Daily incrementals (except Exchange - Daily Fulls) Then weekly fulls - then Montly Fulls.  Rotating the dailys every 2 weeks of appending across 3 tapes.  rotating weeklys  3 weeks and monthlys 3 months.  Annual will be saved forever

I'm also open to other suggestions but this practice isn't very standard for the archiving.... I'll also need to start an archival process for exchange as well and would like it if this could do something as well...

As alwasy BE is doing its basic job but wonder what other solutions could solve my problem while keeping BE busy with its primary task of DR!